Its coming in rather close??

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Feb 12, 2014
Panama Canal passage yesterday it was rather a big Orange Surprise MV Torino following us in . the sailing yacht rafted up alongside.

That is such a strange hull shape. I looked it up and it is a car carrier, holds 6,500+ cars. A very weird hull.
Just curious, what does cost for you to go thru the canal now days? Your boat size?
Car carriers all seem to be very ugly and like that now. Sort of an example of where 'form following function' to the n'th degree may not end up great. Functional yes, but but-ugly…their sterns look even worse…we have a lot come into Brisbane.

Going to get even more now Ford, GM and Toyota have all announced cessation of car building in Australia. Guess where that will all go..?
The new car I just bought had it's transmission built in Argentina. I thought that was the land of cowboys. We may only have seen the tip of the iceberg that is economic globalization.

Sure it's no swan but hasn't anybody else noticed the pink paint? Orange?
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Car carriers all seem to be very ugly and like that now. Sort of an example of where 'form following function' to the n'th degree may not end up great. Functional yes, but but-ugly…their sterns look even worse…we have a lot come into Brisbane.

Tell me about it.

Cost for Transit through the locks in a 33 foot was $2238.00 that included your own pilot and all rope handlers Gaton Lock was a very lazy first day, The Miraflores locks were the second day starting very early in the morning we got through to pacific side at 3 pm. Couple of Days here then off to Galapagos Islands ,
No skipped right past, blowing a bit, made our transit passage 6 days late, then had to wait 4 days for all documentation permits etc.
Cost for Transit through the locks in a 33 foot was $2238.00 that included your own pilot and all rope handlers Gaton Lock was a very lazy first day, The Miraflores locks were the second day starting very early in the morning we got through to pacific side at 3 pm. Couple of Days here then off to Galapagos Islands ,

How long do you plan to take to get to the Galapagos?
That is such a strange hull shape. I looked it up and it is a car carrier, holds 6,500+ cars. A very weird hull.

Yep that's either a PCC - Pure Car Carrier or a RORO - Roll On Roll Off (depends on what cargo it has on at the time). Our Stevedores unload these things at work. At least 5 per week on average with 5,000+ Vehicles per vessel.

Car carriers all seem to be very ugly and like that now. Sort of an example of where 'form following function' to the n'th degree may not end up great. Functional yes, but but-ugly…their sterns look even worse….

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder! I actually think they are great! ... They aren't built or meant to look pretty. They aren't a Luxury Super Yacht. They are built to carry equipment and a lot of cars quickly, safely and economically and they do a great job at it.

This on the other hand, Is a Luxury Vessel and is designed for comfort.

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Captoftrasea, I give you top brownie points for stickability...
You hung in there right through our unabashed thread hijack...well done...
Back to the locks...
Cost for Transit through the locks in a 33 foot was $2238.00 that included your own pilot and all rope handlers Gaton Lock was a very lazy first day, The Miraflores locks were the second day starting very early in the morning we got through to pacific side at 3 pm. Couple of Days here then off to Galapagos Islands ,

Thanks for the info and all the best to you and your crew on what is sure to be a fantastic journey.
That is such a strange hull shape.... A very weird hull.

The same as nearly every other large ship hull.

It is the superstructure and internal arrangement that makes it a car carrier.
No skipped right past, blowing a bit, made our transit passage 6 days late, then had to wait 4 days for all documentation permits etc.

I'm curious is the $2300. just for a one way passage? or does it include return passage. I would also like to hear what documentation and permits were required. Do they appoint the pilot and rope handlers or do you have to find them yourself? Did you have any problems others should be aware of during the transit?

Did you see many trawlers making the transit or was it mostly sailboats?

Sorry about the questions but it is a fascinating passage that precious few will ever get the opportunity to make. It has always been a dream of mine.
No skipped right past, blowing a bit, made our transit passage 6 days late, then had to wait 4 days for all documentation permits etc.

I'm curious is the $2300. just for a one way passage? or does it include return passage. I would also like to hear what documentation and permits were required. Do they appoint the pilot and rope handlers or do you have to find them yourself? Did you have any problems others should be aware of during the transit?

Did you see many trawlers making the transit or was it mostly sailboats?

Sorry about the questions but it is a fascinating passage that precious few will ever get the opportunity to make. It has always been a dream of mine.

From 2009 and another forum but I doubt he would mind...
The Panama Canal is wonderful too
We were just remembering it last night LOL

Speed: Its a money thing:

8kts US$600 aprox (plus refundable deposit $800) Plus mooring lines & tyres $150, Paperwork $45 - All these things REQUIRED Total $1,000

4-8kts US$2,200 (plus $800 refundable deposit) plus $400 for line handlers because its hard to get free line handlers for a small boat, Plus mooring lines & tyres $150, Paperwork $45 - All these things REQUIRED Total $2,800

Less than 4 kts: Towed by Panama Canal Tug (Some people think Towing can be by another cruiser. This is Wrong. It is only by Panama Canal Tug)
Cost unknown but high, say $3000++??

Now the politics: 8kts. Few boats can sustain that speed. But it is never asked for! Max we went was 7kts and then most of the way was at about 5kts. Even boats that can't do 8 kts should say they can!
For a 24 footer though, they will realise you can't and the money stacks up. But try! You might get a good "ad measurer" that lets you through

You must supply food and drinks of GOOD standard! Have a CLEAN boat and clean Heads etc Otherwise the Pilot (advisor) may reject your boat and you will have to pay an $800 rescheduling fee; Or the Advisor may order in his own luch to be delivered - this happened and the boat was charged over $300!!!!!!

Small / old boats come under careful scrutinary so play the game and have the boat Ship Shape and Bristol Fashion! Clean, SMELLING like a rose! The galley absolutely hygienic. The Admeasurer inspects it and so does the Advisor.

With the outboard. ensure its up to the job of an 8 hour run. Theres a motor bike shop in Colon and they serviced my 3.3hp OB for $30, so if you are worried get it serviced

The reason for the rigmarole: Blocking Panama Canal is a huge hindrance to world trade. So much so that the US invaded in 1989. You boat will not be allowed to hinder World Trade.
One of the marvels of the Panama Canal is the huge ships and the thousands of miles the canal cuts off a ships voyage. We are small fry and taken through under sufferance, but its only when you transit the canal do you understand and say: "Yes, if I was running the Canal I would treat small boats as they are treated now."

Its one place where you can't buck the system, nor get through cheaply.

But it will be a couple of the most amazing days of your voyage

Capt Kedgeroo, $2300.00 one way passage, includes pilot and all rope handlers. Papers required, VHF or SSB licence, vessel insurance, registration documents receipts for fuel on board . They then measure the boat but this they had promised to do on two separate occasions and not turning up . Finally the job was done and the transit permits we're issued. The smallest boat that rafted alongside us was a 27 foot yacht, the 68000 ton MV TORINO and ourselves 43 foot . This was our transit convoy of 3.
Thanks for the info guys.

Ouch, $2300.00 one way for a small pleasure boat is mind boggling. I have travelled the Trent Canal, the Welland, the Rideau, the Erie and St Lawrence seaway for a fraction of that. The St Lawrence seaway which is a comparable commercial system handling traffic from all over the world has 15 locks and stretches a numbing 3000 kilometers from the Great Lakes to the Atlantic ocean and it can be traveled one way for about $450. By comparison, I read the panama is only about 80 Kilometers and way fewer locks.

I guess I won't be doing the Panama anytime soon, unless of course I was going to stay on the Pacific side.
Thanks for the info guys.

Ouch, $2300.00 one way for a small pleasure boat is mind boggling. I have travelled the Trent Canal, the Welland, the Rideau, the Erie and St Lawrence seaway for a fraction of that. The St Lawrence seaway which is a comparable commercial system handling traffic from all over the world has 15 locks and stretches a numbing 3000 kilometers from the Great Lakes to the Atlantic ocean and it can be traveled one way for about $450. By comparison, I read the panama is only about 80 Kilometers and way fewer locks.

I guess I won't be doing the Panama anytime soon, unless of course I was going to stay on the Pacific side.

It's very expensive for a leisure boat, but do have to say a mariners dream looking at all the big vessels in such close proximity to smaller leisure ones. Alll perfectly choreographed till the large vessel enters the lock first and clicks it into ahead. Then a little excitement for a few moments.
From the Panamanian perspective, it's what the traffic will bear. The canal's maritime traffic doesn't benefit Panama (the goods are to/from elsewhere) except as an income-generating machine.
From the Panamanian perspective, it's what the traffic will bear. The canal's maritime traffic doesn't benefit Panama (the goods are to/from elsewhere) except as an income-generating machine.

:confused: the traffic TOTALLY benefits panama.. in income!.. when a cruise ship costs $ 75,000+ for a one day trip.. and a cargo ship can cost
$125,000.00 the country is doing rather well off the canal.

I was blown away how far panama has come in the last 20 years.. panama city is a metropolis...

Between the canal and the internet cable crossing the place is a major commerce center.

Thanks for the info guys.

Ouch, $2300.00 one way for a small pleasure boat is mind boggling. I have travelled the Trent Canal, the Welland, the Rideau, the Erie and St Lawrence seaway for a fraction of that. The St Lawrence seaway which is a comparable commercial system handling traffic from all over the world has 15 locks and stretches a numbing 3000 kilometers from the Great Lakes to the Atlantic ocean and it can be traveled one way for about $450. By comparison, I read the panama is only about 80 Kilometers and way fewer locks.

I guess I won't be doing the Panama anytime soon, unless of course I was going to stay on the Pacific side.

when you consider the cost to get the boat, outfit it, get it as far as panama from either Northern coast of the US the cost is insignificant.

Took a chance and went out with the boat with the temps only in the middle seventies and passed this RO/RO unloading in San Diego Bay. They come in twice a week and disgorge cars and trucks. Talkin' to one of the drivers who told me they take cars damaged in transit, back to Japan for destruction because Americans fixed them up and sold them as new. (?)


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