John Deere "Right to Repair" Tractors

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In the automotive end there is a lot of laws to protect the consumer , the computer ports are standard , many codes are standard and can be acessed thru non dealer sources , you can buy aftermarket parts ,although if the cause damage it is your problem , but these protections are not passed over to farmers or industrial enginge uses , my worry is at some point they will stop repairing that motor (any motor) and you will be forced to repower or buy a new machine , this situation needs to be watched and support RIGHT to REPAIR - now who wants the soapbox ?
Right to Repair

Louis Rossman is the premiere champion of "Right to Repair".

Fixing MAC laptops is a little more complex than John Deere equipment and Louis has mastered that business.

If anyone wants to follow the battle to be able to buy spare parts and repair one's own stuff- Louis would be the one to follow.

I remember when I started to replace the Bosch mechanical fuel injection in my '69 911S folks worldwide said it couldn't be done without dedicated special tools no longer available. The injection is very similar to Diesel mechanical fuel injection. Never underestimate what someone else can do.

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