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Oct 10, 2019
United States
Hi all,

My wife and I are a few years from retirement and are looking at the cruising lifestyle at some point in the next 5 to 10 years. We are interested in trying it out before we purchase a trawler. Can anyone recommend trawler rentals that we could try out a few boats before we settle in an buy one? We will travel anywhere to try out some bare boat charters. We are open to other suggestions as well...Thanks!
Have Fun!
Its hard to beat the area up around Anacortes WA and the San Juans, and Canadian gulf islands. If you do a quick search for anacortes yacht charters, you will find several. I've heard good things about Anacortes Yacht Charters itself, but there are others and I'm sure something will fit your needs.
Another company that operates out of the Bellingham / Anacortes general area is NW Explorations. They operate "guided floatillas" on Grand Banks of various sizes. They cover a lot of ground (distance) and will also provide training in cruise planning, boat ownership, tides and currents, etc.
Don't know if something like that would interest you, but if you are relatively new to boating or could benefit from cruising with help from experienced "professionals" in one of the most beautiful cruising areas in the world (I know I am biased), then maybe this might be for you.
That sounds like it might be fun even though we are experienced. Have never done PNW.
There is a trawler rental company in south west Florida something like Southwest Florida Yachts that has training available if needed. Don’t know much about them but it will be warm weather.
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