Landlocked No More

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Jul 31, 2023
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
Ponderosa 42 Trawler
Hi, I recently purchased a 1986 Ponderosa 42 Trawler up in the Seattle area. I am from Utah and have owned several boats that were used on lakes, but was always landlocked with no real "cruising" to be done. I also still have a project boat back in Utah, a 1979 Santana 22 sailboat from W.D. Schock. Me and the dog are getting a few things sorted out on the trawler but will soon begin to explore the region with ultimate aim of heading to Alaska.


  • Sideview at anchor.jpg
    Sideview at anchor.jpg
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  • Starboard side in slip.jpg
    Starboard side in slip.jpg
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  • Aft view at anchor.jpg
    Aft view at anchor.jpg
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new boat

Welcome aboard.

That is a lot of boat you have purchased there.

quite a upgrade from a lake boat.

Enjoy your new toy & practice maneuvering her in tight quarters as she is a lot bigger than what your used to skippering.

good luck.

Welcome aboard. Congrats on your new boat.
Congratulations, good looking boat, but then I'm a traditionalist. Funny, we bought ours in Narragansett Bay and shipped it cross country to the Missouri River above the first dam, so we went from the Atlantic to landlocked. Someday though we ship it up to Duluth on Lake Superior and sail back out into the world. Hope the new boat goes well for you.
Hi, and welcome. Great boat and area to be in,
Hello and Welcome to the forum. Congratulations on your boat purchase.
10' upgrade

Welcome aboard.

That is a lot of boat you have purchased there.

quite a upgrade from a lake boat.

Enjoy your new toy & practice maneuvering her in tight quarters as she is a lot bigger than what your used to skippering.

good luck.


Hi Mike,
This boat is actually not all that big of a jump from the last power boat, I had a Searay 320 as the last power boat and a 24' Chapparal before that so I've roughly jumped up 10' at a time. But I will certainly be cautious! The Sailboat is the one thing I've had at the same time through nearly all the others, but it was sitting in a slip on the Great Salt Lake most of its life. That lake nearly dried up in these past drought years, so it's on a trailer in the driveway now.
Hi, and welcome. Great boat and area to be in,

Thanks Rich, so far I am loving it up here. I'm still going back and forth between Utah and Washington at this point, so I get my fill of the hot dry desert west then I get to come up here and soak up some salt air. It's working out pretty well so far.
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