led lights on electrical control panel mainship

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Senior Member
Apr 23, 2012
Does anyone know where I can get the small led lights that are on the electrical control panel for late models Mainships. My red outlet light stop working and I want to replace.
Does anyone know where I can get the small led lights that are on the electrical control panel for late models Mainships. My red outlet light stop working and I want to replace.
Radio Shack has LEDs, if they match.


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The originals are from Sorenson Lighted Controls www.solico.com

The originals are incandescents but you will be better served with the LEDs

Green LED for the 12V side are
21-12-1-2-3-203-4-0 but they only have
21-12-1-1-3-203-4-0 These are the same except the body behind the panel is white instead of black. This makes no difference as you can not see it from the outside.

Amber LED 125V are 21-15-1-2-3-203-2-0

Page 2 of the catalog under 18,21 & 24 indicator lights
Good link JD, thanks. I just requested a quote from them.
The problem is they will only sell at a $50 min order. So one has to order 16 or 18 lights. I just ordered 18 green 14V LEDs. Now all I have to do is find where I put them.
Mount them right next to every switch.
You will always know at a glance if the switch is on or not.


Sorry JD, I Thought you said where to put them. You said where I put them.
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Mount them right next to every switch.
You will always know at a glance if the switch is on or not.


Sorry JD, I Thought you said where to put them. You said where I put them.

No problem. I was at the boat yesterday and decided I needed to look for them. The real problem was that I had the original extras in a bubble wrap but when the new replacements came they came in a little box 4"x 3" x 2". I was looking for the bubble warp when in fact I had put everything into the box sans bubble warp. Found the box and have now marked the box as to it's content. All is well. Well for at least the moment until I loose something else.

BTW the newer panels have Orange for the 120V indicators and Green for the 12V at least on the Mainships. So it seems Red or Orange are interchangeable. When ordering the indicators from the manufacturer they can be ordered either way, lens colors are optional and not indicative to voltage. The voltage would be what ever your needs are. 2V, 6V, 14V, 28V, 125V or 250V. LED, Incand and Neon.
You mentioned lens colors. I thought LED were diodes of a given color.

When they first came out I thought all were red or yellow or what ever color.
They didn't come out with other colors or white until the technology came around.

Or am I wrong.

You mentioned lens colors. I thought LED were diodes of a given color.

When they first came out I thought all were red or yellow or what ever color.
They didn't come out with other colors or white until the technology came around.

Or am I wrong.


Don't know. I do know that these indicator lights have different color lenses. Red, Amber, Clear, Green, Blue and White are available.
Don't know. I do know that these indicator lights have different color lenses. Red, Amber, Clear, Green, Blue and White are available.

I can take a few of the extra green ones off your hands if you wish. I'm close to your dock (by car) a few times a week anyway and Juniata could use a couple. Email me if interested.
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