Life in the Sea of Cortez

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
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We are headed back out for a few days snorkeling.

Did I mention that I love retired life?????
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Sierra Gigante from harbor at Puerto Escondido


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Hey, that's us in the trawler behind the red sailboat :) We'll be heading north again on Tuesday for either the south side of Isla Coronados or San Juanico to hide from the coming norther.
Some people chase the big game fish that live in these waters.

On the other hand all we are after is breakfast. :blush:

We put out a line during morning coffee and are eating fish for breakfast.


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We are headed back out for a few days snorkeling.

Did I mention that I love retired life?????

If you scuba, you need to have someone take you out to El Bajo, a 60ft deep sea mound out the otherside of the Islands. Absolutely one of the best dives in Baja especially if the hammerheads are gathering. A once in a lifetime experience. Enjoy.:smitten:
If you scuba, you need to have someone take you out to El Bajo, a 60ft deep sea mound out the otherside of the Islands. Absolutely one of the best dives in Baja especially if the hammerheads are gathering. A once in a lifetime experience. Enjoy.:smitten:

We do not scuba yet but are going to take lessons
We can't wait to get to warmer waters! The water here in the PNW is COLD! I grew up here, got certified here, dove both sport, and commercial, wet suit, drysuit, tanks, surface supplied, etc. Left here 38 years ago. Came back here when we bought our boat in 2021. . . . It appears that the water has gotten much COLDER here in the last 38 years.:whistling: That must be it . . . . . . It IS the reason, right?:D
Today was another fantastic day!

We went snorkeling at probably the best reef we've been to yet. We saw a giant sea turtle, and we went for a hike on the beach.

Today was warm, about 80, and tonight there is no wind, a perfect night for margaritas on the back deck


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I still wish there was a simple “Love this” button. Especially since there is not much I could add… but maybe a slightly envious “Thank-you” to Kevin for sharing his adventure. :thumb:
The sunset last night


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Thanks for the great posts Kevin. Charlie Monger is right. The world doesn't run on greed, it runs on envy.[emoji4]
Sir I don’t know you but you’re sharing conditions and a life style that’s killing me. A utopian existence like your images present aren’t real cause if they were why would people go to work ? I mean why did I spend my life crawling under and through boats thinking they were just going back to their slip ? This is a terribly hurtful deception you’re promoting that can only create confusion and havoc ashore and disrupt the working man’s vision of a later life enjoying cards, golf and perhaps some pier fishing.

You’re a sick man
we are back in Port and having margaritas on the malecon in La paz

I have a very difficult time remembering. Why did I work so many years and not retire to a place like this before. Mexico is a magical place. People are happy. The scenery is beautiful. The food is fantastic. The girls are pretty what more could a person ask for?


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You are still in the honeymoon phase! So different than winter in Alaska. It may also be the adventure and novelty you seek. I find I can’t stay in a place I initially find amazing for a few months before I want something different. If hot the somewhere cold. But the real issue is the social connections that one leaves behind.
It sounds like it’s off to a great start though!
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You are still in the honeymoon phase! So different than winter in Alaska. It may also be the adventure and novelty you seek. I find I can’t stay in a place I initially find amazing for a few months before I want something different. If hot the somewhere cold. But the real issue is the social connections that one leaves behind.
It sounds like it’s off to a great start though!

I had a similar discussion with a friend of mine the other day.

For me it was different. I had been living on my boat and preparing to leave Alaska permanently for some time. I had also spent over 30 Alaskan winters with a significant amount of that time working outside.

I agree about the need for new things, new places. I'll probably not settle down anywhere until I'm much older.

While the best plan is no plan, here is the rough idea of how I envision the next decade or so...

The Sea of Cortez is HUGE and I want to explore it to it's fullest. This is the winter time plan. Summers will probably be spent elsewhere. My thoughts are to maybe explore the pacific Coast where the weather is more temperate in the summer.

After a few years of this enviroment I want to complete the great loop, and explore the bahamas's, Maybe that will include more of the Carribean, maybe not I don't know right now, but there is a lot to see along the east coast.

After that if my health is still good possibly I'll have the boat shipped to europe.
We do not scuba yet but are going to take lessons

I urge you to get certified ASAP as so much of the beauty of Baja is underwater. Another great dive is Cabo Pulmo on the east cape. 50 years ago Cabo San Lucas was great, last time I dove there it wasn't worth putting the wet suit on. The waters of mid Sea of Cortez can get cold during winter, but during summer you keep trying to find cold spots to cool down LOL! All the Islands up to Santa Rosalia have great dive spots. Nothing like being surrounded by a school of 30-40 Big Eye Jacks in the 50-70lb range.
I urge you to get certified ASAP as so much of the beauty of Baja is underwater. Another great dive is Cabo Pulmo on the east cape. 50 years ago Cabo San Lucas was great, last time I dove there it wasn't worth putting the wet suit on. The waters of mid Sea of Cortez can get cold during winter, but during summer you keep trying to find cold spots to cool down LOL! All the Islands up to Santa Rosalia have great dive spots. Nothing like being surrounded by a school of 30-40 Big Eye Jacks in the 50-70lb range.

As a guy with lots of diving time in the Sea of Cortez I want to ask you about a fish I’ve heard about for years but know nothing about. Have you ever seen what they call a ‘ Rooster Fish ‘ or know anything about them ? Just curious.

As a guy with lots of diving time in the Sea of Cortez I want to ask you about a fish I’ve heard about for years but know nothing about. Have you ever seen what they call a ‘ Rooster Fish ‘ or know anything about them ? Just curious.

Never saw a Rooster diving, but have caught a bunch. The big ones run 20-30lbs or more, great fighters. Taste like #$%^&. We had them cook one for us at Serenadad in Mulege. Luckily they laced the fish with 2 lobster cause the fish was pretty much unedible LOL! We use to go out at sunset just outside the Mulege River at a small reef and with trout rods catch little ones. Sorta a sunset cruise with cocktails. Lots of fun!
As a guy with lots of diving time in the Sea of Cortez I want to ask you about a fish I’ve heard about for years but know nothing about. Have you ever seen what they call a ‘ Rooster Fish ‘ or know anything about them ? Just curious.


Rooster Fish are plentiful and great fun in the Sea of Cortez. This is a double header that my SIL and I hauled in simultaneously from the area near Loreto in early December.

Thank the forum software for the kink in your neck as you look at the photo.


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Wow thanks guys. Never seen one looks like kind of a Bar-Jack tail fin and head but giant dorsal. Surprised they are junk eating fish just fighting fish like bonefish.

Today we are in the northernmost anchorage on Isla Partida :)

We spent a week on my brother’s boat in the Sea of Cortez eight years ago. The night we were anchored there, my now husband proposed to me under the most beautiful starlight sky. I said “yes”. It is our favorite caldera, too. On the flight home, my husband looked out the window at the right time and got a picture of the caldera from the plane. It really is a special place.
We spent a week on my brother’s boat in the Sea of Cortez eight years ago. The night we were anchored there, my now husband proposed to me under the most beautiful starlight sky. I said “yes”. It is our favorite caldera, too. On the flight home, my husband looked out the window at the right time and got a picture of the caldera from the plane. It really is a special place.

It was a very serendipitous beginning.

Ensenada Grande?

Yes I think that is it's name but my chart does not show it.

BTW I walk by your boat several times a day. We are at the end of the dock and would be happy to share a Margarita some time when you are in town
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From Western Australia, I am envious of US-based GB owners who can access such stunning cruising grounds.
However, we appreciate our less exotic alternatives out of the port of Fremantle.
The attached article on cruising to one destination off the West Australian coast might be of interest, preferably over a sundowner drink -

Nice article Denis, and superb images :thumb:
Yet another perfect sunset.


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