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For Sale: Looking for a new neighbor ?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Veteran Member
Sep 24, 2013
Vessel Name
Nick of Time
Vessel Make
Vega 36 custom cruiser
Some of you will remember FF, over 20,000 posts and thread starts,
lots of boat knowledge and opinions. Fred spent almost 30 years at his
home on the Caloosahatchee River messing about with boats. Charlene,
Fred's partner in adventuring is starting a new chapter. So their home is
coming on the market.
Turkey Creek (off the Caloosahatchee) is a half mile from the Ortona
lock on the Okeechobee Waterway. At 6 knots it's 2 days from Stuart FL
and 1 day from Fort Meyers. By car, it is 15 minutes to town, 20 minutes
to the Labelle airport, and 1 hour to Fort Meyers. No HOA (about 70
waterfront homes), but an active Yacht Club (TCYC).
Upstairs is a 3 bedroom 2 bath home with an east side screened porch
that overlooks the water, downstairs is a garage, a large workshop, and
a separate storage barn. This end of the street property has 285 feet on
the water, with 175 ft. dock on the south side and 2 short docks on the
east side.
For more information call Charlene. Asking 450, ish.
This is posted for a friend, Fred lured me to Turkey Creek 4 years ago.


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Tempting, became aware of Turkey Creek many years ago. I live in Ludington Michigan for some years and there were some Ludington residence in that development.
I was looking at that area years ago, probably spurred on by Fred. Seriously considered buying a really nice piece of land not far from there, with a dock. As you can imagine, given the property values there now, I'm kicking myself for not jumping at the chance!
Lots of dock!

How is the area for hurricanes? Far enough in that it’s good?

And the draft and bridge height to get there?
What's the flood and hurricane insurance bill? Can you still get this insurance for this property?
New Neighbors

Turkey Creek as a place to live or boat.
There is a 48ft fixed bridge on the way to the coast (check your mast
height). Our Neighbor, River Forest Marina is just finishing a 2 acre wet
storage basin for those that are afraid of a little wind (me). We have a
special non flood rating because of the Army Core of Engineers control of
the river(you could purchase flood insurance if you want it). My home
owners insurance went down this year ( but my car insurance went up).
My boat insurance does not cover "Nick of Time" during a named storm
(never has), But otherwise I have full coverage. It is very Quiet here,
I hear the wind in the trees, the birds, the alligators, the fish jumping,
and my neighbors laughing. I think this is a great place to be part of a
boating Community. I miss Fred, and don't want Charlene to move away,
so we are looking for a good down the canal boating neighbor to take
their place.
Lena and I have stayed at FF’s and Charlene’s several times. Flooding should not be an issue. The house is about 13 miles west of More Haven and Lake Okeechobee. There’s dock space for 3 boats over 40 feet. The camel in front of the house is deeper than the river. When the area was developed, all the dredge spoils were piled on land. The only down side is you are a distance from pretty much everything other than the alligators. It’s a nice spot.
I stayed a couple of times at Fred and Charlene's. Had considered a nearby lot there in 2016 and regret not scooping it up at a steal of a price. Often thought that would be the perfect hurricane hole for a boat.

Hurricane Ian flooded the waterway up to the Ortona lock (Charlene's is above the lock). While I don't know for sure, it would probably have taken another 5' to crest the Ortona lock. Most of Fort Myers. Cape Coral, and the rest or SW Florida would be underwater before that happens. Beyond that their house is numerous feet above the waterway.

New Neighbors

It was pointed out to me that if a home was for sale I should have
included a picture of the front of house. So I will add that to my list
of new things I've learned. But which is the front ?


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looking for new neighbors

An overhead view of Turkey Creek (ignore the yellow arrow).
Last Saturday was the bi-annual Turkey Creek Yacht Club (TCYC),
We had over 70 members and guests that were there, the big change
is, we have to much money in the bank so dues have been suspended
for 2024.


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This area has long appealed to me as a hurricane hidey-hole. Insurance or no insurance, I'd be confident of keeping just about any boat there during the season. If a storm passes directly over, you'd likely get hurricane-force winds, but not at the destructive levels experienced in the coastal zone where the storms make landfall.

As a place to live, OTOH, you'd better be inclined toward the secluded lifestyle, and comfortable around reptiles. It's gator country, for sure, and I don't mean the University of Florida kind. Also, Florida's exploding population of invasive pythons, having decimated the Everglades ecosystem, has effortlessly crossed the Okeechobee Waterway and are now being found as far north as Brevard County on the East coast, and Charlotte County on the west coast. Keep your pets indoors or on a short leash. Here in the Sunshine State, the excitement never stops.

Thanks to those of you that have inquired, expressed interest, and
made offers, this really is a great place for boating. If you have questions
you can PM me and I will try to get answers for you. Charlene has listed
the house with Denise Walker with Southern Heritage in Labelle FL
her #(863) 673-2461 (mention Trawler Forum), it should be on MLS in
a week or so. Pictures are from the porch


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Well the MLS listing for 1100 Helm Lane is now active. We sure would
like to see an active boater move in. Tonight is the annual
Turkey Creek decorated golf cart parade and potluck supper, followed by
me being home and in bed by 9. New Years day should be sunny and
low 70's , so will cruise the Caloosahatchee River for a few hours and
probably won't see another boat ( maybe a bass boat ). Happy New Year!

20 years ago I was delivering a 56' Matthews across the Okeechobee Waterway, and spent New Year's Eve docked behind a friend's house just east of LaBelle. It was indeed the quietest NYE I've ever experienced, and a beautiful trip.

I did have to stay over until the 2nd, though, and borrowed my friend's car to drive all the way to Ft. Myers Beach for an Onan generator part. But that's yachtin'.
I saw the neighborhood while scouting places for stops as during our Space Coast/Lake O/Tarpon Springs and back ... since there's not HOA, are property owners allowed to 'rent out dock space' for an overnight transient? Power would be great, no need for water.
Alan, We are, and we will!:dance:

Congrats! Often thought about FF's place as we transited the area. Never stopped but regret not doing so. Enjoy your unique Florida waterfront!
Looking forward to having you and your cat in the neighborhood.
You will get some great sunrises from your front porch. The Date
Palm is the corner of your lot


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Hi Paul,
With advanced notice we can usually find an empty dock for an over-
nighter. I don't Know what Glades County rules are for dock rental at
a private dock. PM next time your passing , it would be way better than
being tied to the pilings at Ortona Lock ( one of those once is enough
Mike, we are currently about 50 minutes out of anchoring at Isla Isabella, in Mexico, on the Pacific side. Still lots of miles to put under the keel before we are in Florida. Beautiful pics! But not our Date Palm YET! Hopefully no issues will arise!

Note to Paul: As Mike said, I'm sure something could probably be worked out.
Hi Paul,
With advanced notice we can usually find an empty dock for an over-
nighter. I don't Know what Glades County rules are for dock rental at
a private dock. PM next time your passing , it would be way better than
being tied to the pilings at Ortona Lock ( one of those once is enough

Thanks ... if we find ourselves 'stuck' on the east side of the lock we'll yell. Current voyage planning for our cross state run should get us where we need to go with out issues, but we'll certainly keep it in our back pocket.
What's the flood and hurricane insurance bill? Can you still get this insurance for this property?

Flood insurance is $1,033.00/year. Yes, homeowners insurance can still be obtained Annual cost is $2,531.08
Well the new owners are rushing to Turkey Creek (they may be here by mid May). Its good to know that Fred's home of 30 years is going to an active boater and not someone who will use
a wedge to hit golf balls at the cows across the canal. Good neighborhoods need good neighbors to make it work. Thanks Scott and Laura, I am looking forward talking with you
across the canal
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Made it to the west coast and back with out issues, thanks to you guys for offering help.
Mike, we're not exactly "Rushing to Turkey Creek"! We "Rushing" to hopefully find a Weather Window that will allow is to depart the San Blas Islands in order to cross the Caribbean to the Cayman Islands . . . . . which will put us 603 miles closer to getting to our new "Home"! Then either to Isla Mujeres in Mexico for a few days, then on to Florida, or possibly just straight on to Florida after a short stay in the Caymans . . . . We ARE looking forward to seeing what the heck we bought though!
Scot - I just checked PredictWind. I'm seeing 8-10 feet @ 8 - 10 seconds on the beam predominate for quite a while. Could be a while.......

Our current plan is to follow you next year around this time so in tracking. Not very encouraging so far. Hopefully May is better (supposed to be less bad)

Fingers crossed for you


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