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Wanted: Looking for a Tollycraft 48

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Veteran Member
Jul 22, 2015
Well we have been looking for the "ideal boat for us" this came up in our search but finding one is another matter. So if anyone out there knows of one we would love to hear. We are in Florida and prepared to travel.
Thank you in advance

I saw a VERY nice example of one at the Southwest International Boat Show here in Texas. I am not sure if the boat sold. It was a VERY nice boat. They were asking $199k. I think it was a late 90s model. I'd buy it in a heartbeat if that was the boat I was looking for!!!!

Here, I found it:

1996 Tollycraft Cockpit Motor Yacht Power Boat For Sale - www.yachtworld.com

The boat shows as well as the pictures look. I spent about 30 minutes aboard checking it out. Coincidently, it is a retired United pilot that owns it.
For engine choices in this model I'd suggest in this order:
Cummings 6BT
Cat 3208
Cat 3116

The best bet for a fresh water kept vessel would be in the PNW whether Portland or Seattle Lake Union. Look for a 1990 or later version, quite a number of good changes came about at the end of their run. Nice well made boats but prior care determines decision IMHO.
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For engine choices in this model I'd suggest in this order:
Cummings 6BT
Cat 3208
Cat 3116

The poor 3116 just cannot get past its......uuuhhhh......past. They are perfectly fine engines at this juncture. In fact, the boat I posted above has 3116s with 4100 hours on them. If a mechanical survey shows they are healthy, I would expect another 4100 hours out of them in this application. The boat is capable of 20kts at WOT. But speaking to the owners, they never ran it that way except occasionally for health reasons. They are not the original owners but they are responsible for the last 3000 hours. I would choose it over the 671 But the 3208 and 6BT(A) are hard to beat. I have not seen a Tolly 48 with Cummins.
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The poor 3116 just cannot get past its......uuuhhhh......past. They are perfectly fine engines at this juncture. I have not seen a Tolly 48 with Cummins.


You are right, the 3116 cannot get away from its past. If a good records check and mechanical survey comes out OK then they are worth a shot. But still IMHO the order I listed. I was on one 48 with a repower done with reportedly the last marine 6-71s made by DD and then crated for about a decade. It ran much nicer than the Cummins but with a fuel penalty of about 10% so said the Tolly guys.

A decade ago we looked at many T 48s, eventually making an offer on a very well kept 1992 with 300 HP 6BTs. Nice vessel but the 48s were very popular and high priced at the time. Took it to a full survey and sea trial. Several soggy places above the door frames but otherwise good. An efficient 18 to 20 knot vessel as best I remember.
Hey just had an idea, should anyone have a late model 48 in Florida we would love to see one in the flesh, we would be very grateful. I have mentioned this in the Tolly F.B page.
Not joined the "club" forum yet 70 US isn't much but will do when we are closer to completion.
sunchaser; said:
Several soggy places above the door frames but otherwise good. An efficient 18 to 20 knot vessel as best I remember.
I'm told there can be an issue with water damage at the bridge cabin joint. How common, I don't know, but I have seen two, a 43 and a 48 that had caesareans done on the insides of the bridge.
Is 70 US your budget?

I am under the impression that is what it costs to join that forum....or at least that is how I read it.
I am under the impression that is what it costs to join that forum....or at least that is how I read it.
I scratched my head at that so that's why I asked. There is no cost to join the Tolly Owner's Club link I provide. Information is plentiful and free, just like here.

So...In in the absence of clarity, I guessed (wrongly, it seems) that 70 (k) US was a budget.
I am under the impression that is what it costs to join that forum....or at least that is how I read it.
The forum, is free, $70.00 for initial Tolly club dues.

The forum has a great bunch of folks, who know their Tolly's.
The poor 3116 just cannot get past its......uuuhhhh......past.

If by "past" you are referring to the fact that some 3116s had "soft" blocks, there were some--it was a manufacturing defect. You can find out if the ones you are looking at were in that batch by contacting your CAT dealer. I agree with the statement that with that much time on them it is unlikely that they are bad engines. I have 3116s and they are quite healthy at 3200 hours. My only issue with them is the difficulty my mechanic had replacing injectors on the starboard engine-only re-builts are available and 2 of the 6 he purchased were bad.

There are good and bad things said about many engines. I have heard that the GM 892 model is not desirable, and that model was in several Tolly's of the 80s/early 90s vintage, but I have never owned one so that's just hearsay. I don't think CAT 3208s can be re-sleeved and that is a negative in the minds of some people but not all and some swear by them. I have had Cummins 6s with electronic injection in one of my boats and liked them.
Thanks, we aren't looking for a project boat and still think the 48 is for us. We are looking at a 45 soon to see if its big enough.
The 45 is not for us, a 48 suits us fine

Looks like we will have to look at others now, Ocean Alexander, Defever 49 or anything solid of the same likes. Ideas welcome.
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