Looking for Aluminum Trawler 44+ Feet - Do they exist?

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They are around but not common at all. Yes they exist.
Rozeema, Coastal Craft are among several close, sort of, to me..
Many commercial builders will build you one but they will may be workboat like.
Saw that you posted the same question in the General Discussion forum with some response. It would help if you included your budget and what it is you're looking for, speed, number of berths etc. There aren't many alloy trawlers out there. A trawler by definition tends to be heavy. So if you want a metal boat and weight isn't an issue it's a lot easier and cheaper to build out of steel than it is alloy. all these CG boats, Coastal Craft, Eagle Craft, Rozema etc mentioned are all fast planing boats, not trawlers. Sylphide looks like a really cool trawler and sure seems reasonably priced.
IMO, I wouldn't own an alloy boat that was painted. You'll spend your entire ownership either ignoring corrosion bubbled paint or spending money to repair it.
If you indeed are looking for a trawler and want metal look for steel.
If I remember, Kantor Yachts in Canada built their boats in aluminum (sail and power).

Good luck

If you don't mind an older boat Chris Craft made some beautiful aluminum Roamers. Marinette also made some Chris Craft look alikes in aluminum. Not sure if Marinette went quite that long. I know they made a few 42s.

Looking for an aluminum trawler

Also, fellow TF'er Wayfarer just listed his 44' aluminum trawler on this site!
Any assistance you can provide is greatly appreciated.
Hi Rich, I know it’s a long shot, but thought I’d ask if you’ve found a boat? We have a 44’ custom Charles Wittholz design bare aluminum trawler that will be coming to the market very soon. Twin 3116 Cats with the wheels in half tunnels, draws 2’9”. Europa style w/flybridge. Still working on details, photos and pricing. (under $200k)
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