Looking for Marina Electrician in Sarasota area

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Veteran Member
Dec 2, 2017
We are in need of an electrician to troubleshoot battery issues on our Selene 43. Any recommendations would be appreciated. We are at Marina Jacks and plan to go through their service department if we don't hear of any other options...
Freundship Marine

These guys just did electrical work on my 60' Jefferson at Longboat Key Club Moorings across the bay from you. Very professional, showed up when they said, and stayed within the estimate. I was very satisfied with the work.
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What type of work did they do? thanks so much for responding!
I'll second Freundship. They're very professional and reasonably priced. I have referred a number of my clients to them and all reported being happy with their work.
They installed isolation transformers to solve shore power issues, changed batteries and solved a battery charger issue I had.

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