Low priced LiFePO4 Batteries vs High priced

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Regarding a warning if a battery or bank is experiencing an issue: we monitor engine oil pressure, engine temperature, shore power voltage and current, etc. Why wouldn't we monitor whether the LFP bank is experiencing an issue and is about to shutdown????

I agree

Our inverter, which runs the boat and our batteries are connected to shuts down if there is undervoltage be it AGM, LA or Lifepo4.

No warning apart from the seperate low voltage alarm which has a rather low volume.
The same alarm is used on our lifepo4 setup as well as an alarm set for 35%

Reality as a full time cruiser is I check the charge and % several times a day using the app for the BMS we use on the tablet I type this post on.
Takes a few seconds

Pic of what the app shows


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