Maiden voyage yesterday

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Commercial Member
Feb 14, 2018
United States
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
1999 Jefferson Rivanna 52'
Wanderlust is a 1999 Jefferson Rivanna with Volvo TAMD 72p mains and a bow thruster. She handled beautifully around the docks both going out and back in. We ran her at 1300 RPM, which produced about 8.6 knots or around 10 mph, for a three hour cruise around Tampa Bay. Smooth, quiet, efficient. Loved it!

Some things I learned yesterday:

  1. With 28x24 props, shifting into forward really moves that boat, even at idle! Spinning her by using counter-shifting (one transmission in forward, one in reverse) will likely mean a little headway will be made unless using forward judiciously.
  2. The vacuflush vacuum pumps (both heads but the master was worse) were cycling on and off every few minutes. They weren't doing this on previous visits to the boat or during the survey so I'll need to check that out.
  3. The dinghy battery appears dead but there is a charger on board. I'll recharge it next weekend.
  4. Always inspect the inside of the lid on the shore power post on the dock. Turns out there was a small wasp nest hidden up inside and one of the little bastards stung my hand, which is now swollen. Mild allergic reaction but not anaphylactic.
  5. The inflator for the dinghy is a push and pull design and holy crapweasel it fills the dinghy fast!
  6. The custom made, 100 pound plow anchor is a friggin' beast! We dropped it outside of a channel just to test it out and let out about 3:1 scope. All I did was put it in reverse at idle and it instantly dug in hard. Love that anchor.
  7. The icemaker bin fills in roughly 24 hours. The bin holds enough ice to fill four gallon-sized freezer bags and then some.
  8. There is enough Benadryl in me right now (wasp sting) to make me loopy so I may have just typed the recipe for lasagna. Hope you find it tasty. ;)

Overall, the boat is in great shape, handles well, and is extremely comfortable. She was a great choice. There are a few things to do to her but, other than a bottom job we'll do in a month or two, they're all minor.

With photo tach idle speed and transmission ratio in hand, ask on boat diesel about minimum safe idle speed for the Volvos. If possible, dropping the idle speed could help a bunch. There are several smart professional V guys there.
Congrats on your maiden voyage and making it back under your own power.
How was your docking Captain? Is your slip in a tight spot or a side tie? Do you think you may add a stern thruster in the future?

Your boat looks great. Can you take a video of her and give us a tour?
How was your docking Captain? Is your slip in a tight spot or a side tie? Do you think you may add a stern thruster in the future?

Your boat looks great. Can you take a video of her and give us a tour?

My friend, who was playing deck hand, said I docked it perfectly. The current slip is at the far end of the dock between another boat and the main dock but I had plenty of room, even with the cross breeze. No need to add a stern thruster. I can walk it sideways with the current equipment.

Here’s a video shot by a previous broker about three years ago.
. The boat still looks the same, even the salon furniture. We’re going to do a little redecorating and that’s about all. The only thing the video doesn’t show is the walk in pantry.
Wow, what a boat! Thanks for sharing.
There are a few things to do to her but, other than a bottom job we'll do in a month or two, they're all minor.

Hi John, very nice and congrats to you. Just wondering why you didn't bottom paint when you dry-docked it for survey?
Hi John, very nice and congrats to you. Just wondering why you didn't bottom paint when you dry-docked it for survey?

Thanks! Well, at that point, we still had to complete the sea trial, discuss the survey findings, and final negotiations. She wasn't ours yet. The bottom job will be soon, though. We want to start off fresh.
Well done, captain...! Nice boat!
Flybull, it looks like you would be comfortable on the "flamethrower onboard" thread. You getting ready to sail into Somali waters or something :)


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