Maiden voyage...

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Nov 26, 2012
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
2008 Island Packet PY/SP
I have renewed hope for humanity. I have just experienced the most selfless act of helpfulness, from our very own Healhustler and Oliver.

I recently purchased a boat in Fort Lauderdale, and due to various illnesses and schedule conflicts, my mates could not make the trip. So I was stuck bringing home an unfamiliar, and not totally ship shape repo boat alone. Larry pitched in and drove all the way from Indiantown to install a temporary mount for my dingy outboard, then he picked me up at the airport, drive me to West Marine so I could waste some money, and then and the grocery store, and then he checked out the boat to make sure I wouldn't sink. How about that folks?

But wait, that's not all. Another trawler forum member, Oliver, installed a full suite of electronics for me before the trip and met me at the last minute to show me how to operate everything. This guy knows his stuff, so when he speaks, listen up.

I made it from the National Liquidators dock to Old Port Cove marina today-- left at 6:30 before daylight and got here at 3:30. Oliver's electronics were perfect and the remote he installed for the autopilot was so nice.

Here is my dock neighbor...?

ImageUploadedByTrawler Forum1418163833.227777.jpg

Yes they started another thread please keep us informed with your progress

Larry and Oliver thanks !!!!!!!!!!!

plenty of pictures please
That's not so amazing to me---I figure that's what boaters do for each other....and we do it for free.

A dock mate who lives in Tacoma, WA (4 hours away) called me one Sunday night when we were about to get hit with a hard freeze. He was concerned about his boat and asked if I wouldn't mind taking a look at it the next time I was down at the dock.

Now I'm only about 10 minutes from the dock so I drove down there, crawled aboard his boat and found things were OK. I called him from the boat and told him and he couldn't stop thanking me for doing that.

I figured it was no big deal---that's what boaters (and friends) do for each other.

It is nice to see that we have a couple of good Samaritains getting public recognition for their acts of kindness. I'm sure there are a lot more, but kudos to the Oliver and Larry for stepping up to the plate.
This is a learning experience for me. I'm a car salesman, so Im not used to this gratuitous kindness. I like it.
Dude, congrats on the boat and cold turkey single handing. You're from Victoria? Real familiar w/ the place, have a few friends there.
Yeah. Victoria since 2007. Moved to the "big city" from my home town of Edna.
Try Sandpipers, great food.
Congratulations cardude . Great boat . Cool friends here on the TF :thumb:
Pretty neat in my opinion.
Ya gotta luv guys like that.
On balance its been my experience a very large percentage of Trawler Forum members go above and beyond the call of duty. Just one of the reasons I consider this place my yacht club.

Way to go Larry and Oliver :thumb::thumb:
I know why Larry drove you to the buy more beer! Good thinking, HH!!

Seriously, it's great to hear about fellow TFers helping each other out. That's the way it should be. It sure works that way on this end of the country...glad it's happening on your side, too. Oliver, my hat's off to you for pitching in with your expertise and skills. For a 15 year old, you sure have a great head on your shoulders! So glad you're a part of the TF community! Hope our wakes cross sometime so we can meet.

Larry was pretty disgusted that I only bought a six pack. Lol.
A six pack ? Can you still buy just a six pack ? FlyWright what you gonna do with Cardude ?
Congratulations on the new boat.

and as for the helpfulness of Larry and Oliver, this forum is full of people like that and that's one of the reasons the forum has so many active members.
Congrats on the boat! My only stint in the business prior to hanging my own shingle was with the first IP dealer. They build great boats.
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