Mainship 34 2001 Hardtop leaky windows

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Nov 23, 2019
The windows on my hardtop have been leaking. I had a survey when I bought it and he suggested taking all windows out and totally resetting them. Another friend told me to just scratch out any damaged sealant and reseal myself. Anyone with any experience here. The leaks are going into the fiberglass and core of my hardtop so would like to definitely stop them.
"I had a survey when I bought it and he suggested taking all windows out and totally resetting them."

A bit of work but rebedding is BEST fix till the sealant dies again, get used to it.

Do not be tempted with 5200 or similar, it dies too and its hell to clean both surfaces.

On some surfaces the putty tape works , and is quick to replace.

You might need to use epoxy to seal the hull before rebedding.
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For Best Results....
Remove, fix / seal core at fasteners, the rebed with burly tape.
Compass Marine burly tape is the best and although more expensive a small price to pay for all the DIY help CM provides.
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