Mantus m2

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“Ultra Anchor Videos”
Sounds like an in-house promotional probably laced w false and misleading info.

We’ve been in the dark on anchor testing for some time now. Have no idea when or if it will start up again.
And many are still very satisfied w their Bruce/Claw anchors. So what’s that tell you about the validity od dock talk re anchors. But that could tell you more about what you really need for an anchor. Bigger IS better. Any anchor will perform well if big enough.
And if we took a poll on best anchor 85% would just list or indicate their own anchor. Understandably as most anchor in benign conditions when any anchor will do.

Seems to me you (Codger) had a good Claw (Shark?) and thought highly of it. Wasn’t galvanized as I recall. And it wasn’t a Ray. Anybody have a Ray anchor?

Any of the videos I've watched look to be by actual cruisers who have come to really like them, not in-house promotional advertising.
I’ve never followed the Ultra anchor so I’ll take your word for it.
Sure is a beautiful thing though.
Thanks Eric. Sometime beautiful and functional coincide!
Originally Posted by Nomad Willy
Simi 60 drives a tight argument. Any more performance than what you need is a waste. But skippers tend to buy anchors like it was going to blow 125mph.

Seeing as how I have anchored in 125 mph winds, on two different occasions, I will take that extra protection. :D

We're not all cocktail cruisers! :D
We are sorry for your experience!
We have modified the Shanks , and the new ones are available to ship to customers
please send us an email with your shipping information and we will get you taken care of right away
Hey guys, this is Phillip with Mantus Marine.
We have the new modified shanks available to ship to customers who were having issues with the M2 setting in soft bottoms.
The new shanks have been tested, and all new M2 Anchors purchased from our website will have the new modified shank.

All customers who currently own an M2 Anchor can email us for a free replacement shank
please reach us at
I received my new, revised shank for the M2. It's definitely beefier and has a different pull angle for the anchor. Haven't used it yet.
maybe 10-15 years ago, Ft Lauderdal port closed due to weather, heavy blow, cargo/container ships anchored waiting for the weather and the port to open, heard on the VHF, 2 anchors deployed and engine(s) full ahead. Now, that's 'weather'. SMILE
and no, it was not a hurricane.
Mantus M2. Spent our first night at Pelican Bay, Cayo Costa, with the Mantus M2 with the new shank.

We arrived early so I could have a few hours of experience with the new shank before susnset. Winds were 15-20 kts from the NNE with occasional gusts higher.

I dropped the anchor at 2:00 pm and it set immediately. Set the anchor alarm on my Raymarine Axiom. The boat swung from side to side because the winds were shifting to the East but the boat never moved.

Got up in the morning and the track on the Raymarine had us in the same location.

Granted, it wasn't a big blow but so far, so good.
I can’t use a rollbar anchor in my pulpit. So that rules out a lot of the newer anchors. Sounds like without the rollbar they aren’t as good.

Not sure I agree with your conclusion. There are many new anchors without a roll bar that are superior to older designs and even superior to some with a roll bar. Lots of online testing and comparisons, do some research.
I also bought M 2 for my 40 ft boat. I tried it in soft mud and it would drag and never set. I let out a 10 to 1 scope and ended up having to go to a marina. Mantus supposedly has a new Shank to replace the old one that will make a difference. ... I will see. In the meantime I will put my old anchor back on so I can use my boat. It held in a 50 mph gale that lasted 2 days.
Mantus M2

I also bought M 2 for my 40 ft boat. I tried it in soft mud and it would drag and never set. I let out a 10 to 1 scope and ended up having to go to a marina. Mantus supposedly has a new Shank to replace the old one that will make a difference. ... I will see. In the meantime I will put my old anchor back on so I can use my boat. It held in a 50 mph gale that lasted 2 days.

I have the original Mantus, with the roll bar. It has performed as advertised. Sets immediately and doesn't drag. I've been anchored in 40-45 kt wind overnight and didn't budge. Sand and mud bottom. I don't have any experience with the M2 but something about it just didn't look right to me.
I have no experience with roll-bar anchors, but other spade-type anchors seem to set just as well and are easily handled on most bow rollers. Personally I have the Ultra Anchor that I bought a couple years ago and has never failed to set immediately in any bottom. Also, I know appearance should not really be a major factor in an anchor, but the roll-bar type are somewhat unsightly IMO. I know I'll get flack for that comment, but it's my honest opinion and we all have them.
There it happened.

Somebody boldly proclaiming vanity has a valid role in anchors.
My favorite is brobably in blue’s “unsightly” category.
I think it’s the best anchor out there if you’re going to anchor in unfamiliar places. And if you’re not you’re just plain missing out.

Go to Steve’s “Anchor Setting Video’s” and watch the SARCA perform. And not pretty may stick at the yacht club but the sea floors of the world have other standards.

Speaking of anchor companies that put an anchor out on the market that didn’t work the list is short ....... Mantus.
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I wouldn’t buy an anchor because it looks nice, but I wouldn’t object if it does.
Check out the Vulcan, I have used one for three years, in all types of
sea bottoms, sea and wind conditions and have had excellent holding power.
We cant use the roll bar type, but it snugs up very securely.:thumb:
Stay safe. Will
Oh goodie, we are back to 'my anchor is better than your anchor' LOL
Speaking of anchor companies that put an anchor out on the market that didn’t work the list is short ....... Mantus.

I'm curious, do you have any PERSONAL experience to back up that statement? Or is your comment based on hearsay? We're considering either a Rocna or a Mantus. We're interested in comments from people who ACTUALLY HAVE personal experience with them!:dance:
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Both Rocna and Mantus make anchors w/o rollbars. Not sure what models you are considering. I have never used an anchor with a rollbar, but other modern designs without them do very well in tests and in my own personal experience.
Rocna a with roll-bar, 100% set and hold in 1st year of anchoring.
That’s easy. Get the one that works. So so many people have attested to the fact that the M2 dosn’t work.

The Rocna isn’t perfect but most people have noth’in but good luck w it. It’s been shown to be weak on mud .. but that problem only comes to pass in really slimy mud. Don’t think i’ve seen such mud.
And there is a shortcoming w short scope use. As compared to about 15 other modern anchors it’s holding performance was considerably less. The testers asked Smith why his anchor was weak at 3-1 and he said”we tell our customers to anchor at 5-1 and then shorten up. Like a politician he didn’t answer the question. And in so doing IMO he actually confirmed the Rocna is not so good at 3-1 scope.

The Rocna is almost the best in the world at longer scope. But who needs an anchor that is the highest performing (almost) when there are other similar anchors like the Manson Supreme. The Supreme is almost as good at long scope but we use our anchors mostly at 3-4 to one. So why get an anchor that’s poor where you’ll use it most and is the best at long scope?

I see you’re from Kentucky so shallow waters is probably all you have.
If you lived in Washington state You’d see most everybody anchors at 3-1 or close to that and I can’t imagine you needing over 5-1 (in a blow) so you’ll probably be happy at 4 to 5-1. Few people here on TF have complained about short scope performance w their Rocna .. but some have.

Get a Spade or a SARCA. SARCA is probably the best at not bringing up mud.
Do you at times snag stuff in the rivers? You’ll likely get your SARCA back. It may or may not fit on your boat w/o some modification though.

“Personal experience w the Mantus” .. in a word .. NO.
What you get is my opinion. But my opinion is based on years (14) of reading all I could find including many hundreds on Anchor posts here. And if you talk to manufacturers you will find some know who I am.
The Rocna is a good performer, but the impression I get from the SV Panope videos is that the Mantus M1 is better. For non-rollbar anchors, the Vulcan, Spade, and Ultra all seem to be very good.
Yes but Steve’s tests aren’t about holding power. Except for very short scope.
He’s only got 40hp (like me) so he’s not likely to test a 40lb anchor unless it’s a casual demonstration at short scope.

Yes I like the Vulcan and Spade. The Spade may be the first scoop anchor and it looks like no other anchor has bested the mark. The Spade is an overall performer, something we all should look for in an anchor. Is the Mantus an overall performer? I saw Steve try (unsuccessfully) to bend the Mantus shank. I wonder how that happened. Where’d he get the anchor? I think the shank should have bent. One can have a spark test done to determine what steel it is. They put a grinder to it and observe (photo) the spark pattern. Every ferrous metal has a distinctive spark pattern.
I’ll go back and listen and watch Steve’s bending attempt.

The best anchor IMO is one that dosn’t win any holy grails but does everything well w a little preference toward setting.
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Yes but Steve’s tests aren’t about holding power. Except for very short scope.
He’s only got 40hp (like me) so he’s not likely to test a 40lb anchor unless it’s a casual demonstration at short scope.

Yes I like the Vulcan and Spade. The Spade may be the first scoop anchor and it looks like no other anchor has bested the mark. The spade is an overall performer Something we all should look fo in an anchor. The best anchor IMO is one that dosn’t win any holy grails but does everything well w a little preference toward setting.

Agreed, Steve's tests don't check max holding power in a good bottom. He's only been able to test to dragging in poor bottoms. But based on that, the short scope, aggressive resets, etc. his tests show the conditions where any anchor is likely at its worst. With longer scope and a good bottom, it's pretty much guaranteed to perform better than his tests. So I look at his tests as showing which anchors do better or worse in some of the more challenging conditions.
Is Mantus STILL working on their new shank?
Or spend a little more and get the best anchor, the Ultra. BTW it's not only the best performer, but it sure looks purdy! Sorry, couldn't resist!
Or spend a little more and get the best anchor, the Ultra. BTW it's not only the best performer, but it sure looks purdy! Sorry, couldn't resist!

It's more than "a little more". A 77lb Ultra is listed for $3050. I paid $800 for my 73lb Vulcan, so barely over 1/4 the price of the Ultra. Best price I can find for the Vulcan currently is $852, so I could still buy 3 of them and have spent less than a single Ultra.
It's more than "a little more". A 77lb Ultra is listed for $3050. I paid $800 for my 73lb Vulcan, so barely over 1/4 the price of the Ultra. Best price I can find for the Vulcan currently is $852, so I could still buy 3 of them and have spent less than a single Ultra.

I'm sure the Vulcan is a fine anchor and will work well. It may very well be my second choice. This is just my thinking....With all the money we spend on boats and everything that comes with it, I'm not going to flinch at another couple thousand on an anchor that should last many years especially considering its purpose. Save money elsewhere. A Coast Guard instructor about 40 years ago told me, "Always buy the best piece of equipment for the purpose you need it for."
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