Marinas/Slips with no waitlist?

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Does anyone know of any marinas or municipal docks/harbors with no or minimal waitlist? Around a 49' loa Anywhere from PNW to south central Alaska. Liveaboard boat but access to bathroom and showers shoreside would be nice. I've already started emailing harbor masters but maybe someone here knows somewhere also? I know that's a big area. Thanks

Portland Oregon. Jantzen Bay Marina
Railways Marina, Port Orchard WA seems to always be advertising a slip available on their sign. Casual about liveaboards, showers and laundry on the dock. Shelter Island Marina on the Fraser is a liveaboard possibility, usually people waiting but there is quite a bit of turnover sometimes.
I was just in Petersburg AK and they have 50' slips available.
The Port of Bellingham marina at Blaine was able to work us in to a permanent slip quickly this month. They also are offering winter moorage only. This was for a 50' LOA.
Valdez opened a new second harbor last year and had 50' slip available. $50.00 a year to get on wait list. Liveaboards throughout both harbors. Most winter liveaboards move to other docks where water is left on. Slip fees are reasonable. I've been exploring Prince William Sound for 33 years and operate a charter service there. Call the harbor master Sarah 907-835-4981 or
P.M. If you have any questions. We are planning planning on getting a 50' trawler in 3 years and move aboard there.
Several posters have mentioned Railway Marina in Port Orchard and give a 360 phone number. I'm at Bridgeview marina in Bremerton that is owned by the same person. There are plenty of slips available, and even at the height of the summer there were a few available. The best way to contact for either marina is e-mail Try: I have found him to be responsive to my communications. They do limit live a boards, but don't seem to track it to good for the most part from what I see.
Just have had one 60' slip open up next to me. Frequently get boats here for a short time waiting to get in to the Bremerton Yacht Club.
Point Roberts has had a bad time with all the Covid actions and reactions. It is a point of land you basically can only access through British Columbia, very close to Blaine. So Canadians have had some of their boats removed and Americans have had some of their boats removed. Google map Point Roberts Washington.

There is active lobbying to allow Americans to come through and access their boats at PR. If the lobbying is successful, it will be a useful well protected area for your boat. And I can pretty much guarantee you they will have room. Slip sizes go up to 64 feet. I would phone them and see what the scoop is for access, etc.

The area of PR is about the size of a university campus and it is guarded by American border guards so your boat will be more secure than many places in North America. It has a history of booze smuggling during the rum running days of prohibition. Then for British Columbians it was a party place on Sundays as in BC you could not buy booze anywhere (legally) to drink on Sunday. So PR was swamped with Canadians partying on the one day of the week. Currently the attraction for some Canadians is buying gas. Gas in cheaper in the States so many who live close to PR will drive there to get their gas. So this little area has a long history of being busy with both Americans and Canadians, but in reality more Canadians.
Commercial fishing harbors usually have slips and longer ones are common. Places like Neah Bay, Gray's Harbor, Astoria (if you don't mind sea lions) usually have slips. About liveaboard, I don't know. Usually there's a clause the boat has to get underweigh 2 times a month.
Point Roberts turns off the water for winter. If you want to be a liveaboard there, you will need a water maker.
Try Roche Harbor San Juan Island
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