Marine Trader vs.CHB PT vs Ocean Alexander

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Jun 25, 2024
Okay folks, I'm looking for advice.

I am in the trawler market and have my sites on three boats, each a different builder.

And I'm looking for opinions on each brand (not the specific boats I'm looking at).

Which of these three brands do you all think is the best for long excursions and Caribbean travel?

Marine Trader vs.CHB PT vs Ocean Alexander

Let the debate begin!!
Given the age of those boats it's going to be the one in the best condition. I believe the hulls are all similar in that era of trawler boats. It's not like you are asking about the difference between a sport fisher and full displacement hull. It's more of a question of a Honda Accord or Toyota Camry from the 80s. The one in the best shape would be the winner.
Given the age of those boats it's going to be the one in the best condition. I believe the hulls are all similar in that era of trawler boats. It's not like you are asking about the difference between a sport fisher and full displacement hull. It's more of a question of a Honda Accord or Toyota Camry from the 80s. The one in the best shape would be the winner.
That would be my take also. Best condition.
When new you would have been comparing a Chevy to a Buick to a Cadillac. Now it comes down to maintenance and equipment. If all things are equal I would pick the OA. However, I wouldn’t pick a poorly maintained OA over a pristine Marine Trader.
When new you would have been comparing a Chevy to a Buick to a Cadillac. Now it comes down to maintenance and equipment. If all things are equal I would pick the OA. However, I wouldn’t pick a poorly maintained OA over a pristine Marine Trader.
Tilrider said it best.
Welcome Aboard !
Given the three brands of boats with condition being equal I would go with the O.A.
I am biased but in regards to our Ocean Alexander the only issues (and they have been minor) that I have discovered are due to poor installation or repair by previous owners. Our OA is built like a battleship but has also been very well taken care of.
It’s the little things that OA does that most don’t notice until 30 years later. Things like the port lights being rebuildable. After 35 years I replaced all my port light lens and gaskets. Water, fuel and hydraulic lines being copper instead of rubber. Oversized backing plates to spread the loads. Higher quality hardware through out. These things do make a difference.
I’ve owned my 1983 OA for the last 13 years and can certainly recommend the brand from my experience. It had some nice things installed when I bought it, I’ve added a couple, and the boat has been great. It had good care from previous 3 owners which has made my ownership more pleasant.
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