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I don't know why anyone would want to ride out a hurricane on the islands in a condo, not for me, but MANY people did that, along with many that stayed on the mainland in higher properties.

I could have stayed with my kid in Largo, but no power, so I'll wait.

I did have neighbors that stayed and reported than my home and boat came thru fine, so my new dock lines paid off.

Jay and 3rd Order, glad you came out ok!
I don’t get it? This was left in Marina Jack, Sarasota. Why?

Interesting slant posted by several. Without decreasing heat trapping gases population levels will fall. Loss of agricultural land, loss of potable water, direct heat related deaths. Loss of housing and infrastructure from fire, storms and flooding so deaths from exposure. Wars as climate related migration increases. We are already seeing political instability due to this now. We cannot eliminate our footprint but we can both decrease it and work to mitigate the ongoing and future impact.

I currently own a trawler. Although I live in a zero footprint house and drive a EV truck I’m in no position to throw stones. The big contributors now are concrete, factory farms, and electricity production. Although Amazon is using Rivian EVs for final delivery current EVs make no sense for folks traveling or towing long distances routinely where infrastructure doesn’t exist or climate doesn’t allow. However nether does the increase in population into obvious at risk regions. Nor not substituting ways to decrease heat trapping gasses with currently available technologies without negative economic impacts.

Perhaps economics and migration to lower risk regions will mitigate impact to some extent. Find it remarkable how well our government at state and federal levels mitigated deaths from Helene and they continue to do markable work for the folks in NC inspite of the gross lies being told.
But with multiple friends having lost their houses and taking terrible financial hits believe it’s time to wake up. Arrange your personal circumstances so you are less at risk. Do what’s reasonable for you to mitigate the risks for your children. Every little bit helps.

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