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It`s like Facebook for people who go boating.What is TF?
Can anyone provide me with an estimate for annual insurance cost on a GH 37?
Does anyone have any knowledge of the GH 37 with a single and stabilizers? I found a picture and the port hole layout is not standard.
I stumbled across a forum where this person was describing a GH 37 with a single and stabilizers. I will try to find it and post the link.
That's great news....very interested in the gh37. I'm attendinding Trawlerfest next weekend and will attend Ken Fickett's boat buying course and hopefully tour as many trawlers as possible.
Thanks for the reply!
Fish Catcher Jim,
If it is not hard to setup, and you are a moderator in another section, why is it not setup? I am surprised there have been 3500 views to this thread.
GHTA web site does have a forum section but on Trawler forum, there are a lot more folks participating
Hang in there, Great Harbourists! There's help on the horizon!
And how about you Helmsmen? We're coming for you, too.
We'll soon have a section for each line of Trawlers.