Morse/Teleflex DS Binding

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Sep 18, 2023
Vessel Make
Kadey Krogen 42
Quick question for the group. I’m in the process of purchasing a KK42. There appears to be a bit of binding between the flybridge shift selector and the pilot house selector. The pilot house selector operates fine, however, when using the flybridge selector it has a tendency to couple with the lower helm. Not fully engaged, but does cause some cross control input. Not shifting cleanly. There does not appear to be a helm selector switch to lock out the pilot house control.

My question is, is it common not to have the selector switch in some dual station set ups, and if so, is this likely just an adjustment? Where? At the DS control combiner just forward of the engine? Are there any unique steps in transferring control to the flybridge when a positive selector switch is not installed?

New to the troller and dual station world. Likely an easy adjustment, but was hoping for a quick steer to shorten my problem solving time.
I have a Morse dual helm in my boat. The saloon helm is master and connected to the engines and gears. The flybridge helm is connected to the saloon helm and there is no selector / lockout switch.
With Morse type cables pulling is easier than pushing. Your flybridge cables are probably failing. Downstairs pulls the upper controls while pushing the downstairs controls. The flybridge pushes both the upper and lower cable at the same time. Their appears to be too much friction in the system which is causing the binding issue.
I believe the controls are parallel, not serial. Does that change recommendations and thoughts?
If parallel you would have twice as many cables in the engine room. In ether case moving one control is always going to move the other as well as the gear lever. The throttle side is usually the same so if that side is not binding you probably have a bad cable on the gear side.
Drawings of the two ways it’s done.


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Yes, mine is the top one. Dual brackets for mounting cables in either push or pull both sides. Quite useful in my app as both engines are same rotation and props are counter and so is the gear. In either direction one gear is forward and one reverse.

Took me a while to figure that one out.
I have a Morse dual helm in my boat. The saloon helm is master and connected to the engines and gears. The flybridge helm is connected to the saloon helm and there is no selector / lockout switch.

imo this describes the "normal" arrangement.
as all the cables and handles are moving regardless of which control being used to operate them the effort shouldn't change from one helm station to the other.

one thing for op to check, there is a friction adjustment within the handles to help them stay in the desired position. this adjuster should only be in use at one station, generally the pilot house, flybridge should be slacked off, this might be causing the feel issue reported

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