Multi bank battery charger all on one bank?

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Senior Member
Aug 16, 2017
Replacing my 24v bow thruster batteries. I'm using two 12v batteries in series. The charger is ProMariner ProTournament 300 Triple 120v charger. It's supposed to auto sense 12, 24, or 36v bank. It has 3 branches that put out 10 amps each. Weirdly the previous owner had it wired to charge each battery individually. They had 2 branches going to 1 battery, and 1 branch going to the other.

1. Seems it would make more sense to just charge the bank as one unit at 24v?

2. Is it ok for me to use all 3 branches so that it charges at 30a? Or is there a reason I should only use 1 branch and charge at only 10a?
I would check the installation manual and make sure that all the power will go out on one leg. On our last boat I had Promariner chargers and they worked that way. But I would double check to make sure.

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