My new Selene

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Welcome aboard CaptSea, she's a real beaut! Correct me if I'm wrong, but are the "flood lighting" actually a pirate deterrent system? Seeing that your home port will be in Thailand, I can understand.

What makes you think pirates are an issue in Thailand?
I'd be more worried about crime in the US myself.
Yes, very nice boat. Please post more pics when you are able, and enjoy your fishing!

And not a yacht or private vessel amongst them.
And certainly none in Thailand.

All bulk carriers , tugs etc being boarded and the few I clicked on were like this though I do know there are actual theft in that list.

. 29.04.2018: 1600 - 2300 UTC: Posn: 01:24.7N - 104:46.8E, Around 16nm NE of Tanjung Berakit, Pulau Bintan, Indonesia.
Unnoticed robbers boarded an anchored general cargo ship. While carrying out routine deck work, the next day, the bosun noticed that the paint store padlock was broken and the door left opened. Further investigation showed that the padlocks to the garbage room, oxygen locker, acetylene locker and the bunker station were also broken into and the doors left open. On investigating nothing reported stolen

. 19.05.2018: 1801 UTC: Posn: 01:10N - 103:27E, Around ENE 2.5Nm of Pulau Karimun Kecil, Indonesia.
Six robbers boarded a tanker underway. Duty Engineer noticed the robbers, informed the master who raised the alarm. Seeing the crew alertness, the robbers escaped empty handed.

Opportunistic theft, hardly piracy.
Can happen anywhere.

Sorry if I sound a bit snippy but I have been following issues up here for a decade or more and get annoyed when talking about going up there and the first thing mentioned by just about anyone is pirates.
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And welcome aboard my fellow Selene owner, course you probably could call ours a Dink compared to your fine vessel.

Join the Selene Owners group, they would be happy to have you also.


Dear John And Tracey, thank you for your message, a boat is a boat no matter her size, I don't know if you had the opportunity to visit Jet Tern Marine shipyard but they apply the same attention and love to every single Selene they build no matter the size. I used to own different sizes of vessels up to 130FT and I am now more than happy to downsize according to my needs for the coming years, will probably downsize again in 10 years if my health is good enough to keep cruising. I will indeed join the Selene owner forum.

Thanks for your message, I will post more photos and update on the stabilisers once I take delivery of the yacht, hopefully first cruise mid April...
Very nice boat, or should I say ship. Where are your fishing grounds, and what are the target species?

Hi, thank you for your message, fishing grounds are the Andaman sea mainly, target species are Tuna, Blue Marlin (catch and release indeed), Sailfish,... and smaller keepers for nice meals
Welcome aboard CaptSea, she's a real beaut! Correct me if I'm wrong, but are the "flood lighting" actually a pirate deterrent system? Seeing that your home port will be in Thailand, I can understand.


The flood lighting are for fishing, actually there are no pirates in Thai waters!!! may be some on land but these are different kind of pirates!!!
The few acts of piracy happened in the strait of Malacca close to the Indonesian side of the strait, but security has been increased and we do not have any recent reports of piracy in the area.
And not a yacht or private vessel amongst them.
And certainly none in Thailand.

All bulk carriers , tugs etc being boarded and the few I clicked on were like this though I do know there are actual theft in that list.

Opportunistic theft, hardly piracy.
Can happen anywhere.

Sorry if I sound a bit snippy but I have been following issues up here for a decade or more and get annoyed when talking about going up there and the first thing mentioned by just about anyone is pirates.

I can only agree with you, I have cruised from Singapore to Thailand many times, cruised in Burma, cruised in Indonesia, cruised in the Andaman islands (indian territory),.... and not a single issue with pirates even when cruising on luxury Superyachts. South East Asian waters are absolutely fabulous cruising grounds, I have cruised from Florida to Thailand with stops in Tahiti (Bora Bora,..) and Fiji and South east Asian waters are comparable in beauties.
I have only toured older boats , where they had linoleum with no skid in the galley ,

I hope the new ones are as well outfitted to keep the cook upright.
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I have only toured older boats , where they had linoleum with no skid in the galley ,

I hope the new ones are as well outfitted to keep the cook upright.


The flooring in the entire boat is made of teak, including in the galley, it is then up to the owner's taste to cover the floor of the Galley with any material he thinks is appropriate and also good looking... some owners also cover the guests areas and salon with fitted carpet but for me and by experience I prefer to keep it with natural wood.
A few years ago I had the opportunity to purchase a Selene 47 from the estate of a close a close friend. It had many upgrades and was just elegant. Unfortunately the timing was not right but I still have my regrets. Someone got a great buy. Congrats on your new purchase and safe travels.

The flood lighting are for fishing, actually there are no pirates in Thai waters!!! may be some on land but these are different kind of pirates!!!
The few acts of piracy happened in the strait of Malacca close to the Indonesian side of the strait, but security has been increased and we do not have any recent reports of piracy in the area.

I stand corrected. I've read about anti-measure devices being employed on private yachts. It certainly was not my intention to send this thread on an unintended tangent. You will defiantly be cruising some of the most beautiful areas in the world on an equally beautiful boat. Enjoy!
I don't know if you had the opportunity to visit Jet Tern Marine shipyard but they apply the same attention and love to every single Selene they build no matter the size.
I had a 32' Havorsen Gourmet Cruiser that was built at Jet Tern.


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Did you consider the Flemming 78 which seems to be a very similar boat. How did they compare and what influenced your decision.

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In the mid 80s, the merchant marine training ship I was on was traveling from Hong Kong to the Philippines or Malaysia if I remember correctly. The Deckies put out “pirate lights” that lit up the exterior. We all thought it was funny. We are safer on a boat in any ocean, than in a car, or walking down the stairs at our house.
I stand corrected. I've read about anti-measure devices being employed on private yachts. It certainly was not my intention to send this thread on an unintended tangent. You will defiantly be cruising some of the most beautiful areas in the world on an equally beautiful boat. Enjoy!

Here is a link to systems you've read about and the use of lights as security.

Anti-Piracy Security |Thermal Cameras, Infra Red Security
Something to dream about. Selene do make beautiful boats. Enjoy
Welcome to the forum, and congratulations. That's one hell of a fine ship you've got there.
She's a Beauty

Being a singlehandler, I don't allow myself to dream much beyond 55' with 42' being a more practical limit but I still appreciate larger yachts that have classic lines.
How large is the paid crew? :flowers:
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Let me know when your dialed in and I’ll come up for a few days fishing. :)

I will take delivery of my new Selene 80, the M.Y TeoraTera, by end of March. She is a beautiful 78Ft full displacement, bulbous bow, twin Cummins, Bow and Stern thrusters, Zero speed Stabs and specifically designed for offshore fishing. She will be based in Thailand. I will post photos once available after delivery as well as full specs.
Woohoo! Congrats
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