My Numbers

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Jul 6, 2012
Vessel Name
Alaskan Sea-Duction
Vessel Make
1988 M/Y Camargue YachtFisher
Last weekend we took the boat up to Kalama WA marina for a fill up. Diesel was $2.19 gal, so we wanted to take advantage of the low cost. This is the first time I have had good numbers recorded. Keep in mind we are in a big River and I am always fighting current. My cost was half what it was last time, over $1500...............

Cost of Fillup: $720
Took on 329 gal
Burn rate is 6.17 gph.

I look for better number when I get up north in 2016

What are your numbers?
I'm a bit irked that I filled up Oct 1st.
I paid $4.46/gal for = $3100.

Now the price is $2.88

So that's $1,100 I didn't save.
and how long will that 700 gallons last you? One little hop? All cruising season? One time around the loop?
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