Need advice, boat leaving Croatia with new purchase, avoiding VAT from Europe

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Capn James Brett

Veteran Member
May 22, 2012
Vessel Name
Stella Maris
Vessel Make
2004 Grand Alaskan 65
Hey all,
Not sure what to call this, but seeking advice from anyone that has dealt with buying a boat over in Europe and then moving to the U.S.
My new boat, Grand Alaskan 65 was purchased last month and is about to leave Croatia by hired captain and meet up with transport ship in Corfu, Greece. Previous owner told me I have to have the boat stop in Montenegro to avoid problems with Greek authorities and having to pay VAT. I am still waiting on Coast guard paperwork and have a "running letter" as well as all the sale paperwork in the hands of my captain.
Does anyone have any experience with this process? I am losing my mind trying to get solid information on this.
Thanks everyone.
Hi Capn James!

Congratulations on your new acquisition!

While I don't have a direct answer to your question, I will offer an educated general opinion on this topic. Buying a boat in the EU and moving it about within EU countries is no problem, whatsoever, but you MUST have paperwork with you at all times showing that VAT was paid somewhere in the EU. Within the EU, papers are rarely requested, in my experience, but it can be huge delay and inconvenience if you can't produce them upon demand.

Your case is probably a heck of a lot more complicated than that. I've heard such ugly stories about boats being held up for many months due to "paperwork" & tax issues. You've got ONE SHOT to get this right. If I were in your shoes, I would try to find a EUROPEAN yacht export lawyer/broker or similar who can guide you through this with 100% confidence and accuracy. It would be cheap "insurance", because if anything goes wrong, it could mean months of delay and surprise storage charges, possible tax penalties, interest, flights to Europe (which I don't think you can even entertain at the moment), etc.

I'm sorry I do not know of a yacht export broker/lawyer myself, but I'm absolutely certain they must exist.
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If you don't have luck finding that special person, I have one long-shot suggestion.
This company is a sailing yacht charter company headquartered here in Malmö, Sweden. They have their largest location in Croatia, but also operate in Greece, Turkey, Thailand, Newport Rhode Island(!) and a number of other places. While their primary business is chartering yachts, like rental car companies, they sell used yachts from time to time in order to keep their fleet fresh. I'm guessing that there's a chance they might have enough knowledge to help you (most likely for a fee) and, if not, then they would probably be able to point you in the right direction for locating an expert. Hope this helps!
If you are American citizen and the boat registered outside EC. You don't need to pay vat if you don't stay .
I agree with long-cours.62, but I think the tricky/risky part is moving the boat about in Europe (without VAT having been paid) if it doesn't yet have an American registration.

May be the former owner said that too you because he already pass too puch time in EC water ?

Why you don't register the boat under us flag before move her ? It need few day to register her in Delaware; one of my friends registered two of his boat in Delaware it seams to be easy to do .I will ask to him the name of the "agent " who are doing that for him .
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Hi Capn James!
Just wondering how things worked out for you. Hope things went smoothly!
Scott, thanks for the inquiry. Yes, things are moving and boat should be in Florida this week and then off to Victoria for mid August delivery.
Can't wait and safe travels.
Wow. That’s quite fast! You must not have had many complications :)
Captn James, Hey we are in about the same situation. Wondering if you hauled the boat for a survey and what we’re your haul out costs. We are using Anacortes Marine Documentation for all of the paperwork. Trying to get over to survey the boat but difficult during this Covid thing. Good Luck with everything
let me know if you would like to talk live about your situation. I might be able to give you some small nuggets of advice. My boat was over in Croatia not sure where the vessel you're looking at is located? Let me know if you want to have a live conversation this week?
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