Need advice for first longer cruise.

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May 26, 2015
Gig Harbor, WA
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
North Pacific 43
Hi All,

OK, I have a power boat now. Now I am planning on taking a couple weeks and heading North. I need advice.

First, the boat is a NP43 and I find I like to cruise at 7 knots although I can push it comfortable to 10 kt if I don't mind spending the money. We are in Gig Harbor, near Tacoma. Looking to take 14-16 days.

My experience as an adult have been 1 week trips to the San Juans in a sailboat. We were a couple kts slower than we are now. I did bring my folks Catalina 36 home from Ladysmith back in 2006 but that was a quick trip.

Time: I could go at the end of June, or I could go end of July through August. What would be the best time? Weather is usually better later, but I imagine it would be much more crowded later in the season. Pros and cons?

Destination: My wife and I were going to take our sailboat last summer and try to make to Desolation Sound. Unfortunately, she broke her wrist at the end of June and the Doc said no sailing. We are still interested in getting there but I am wondering if that is a bit overly aggressive given the amount of time that I think I can spare (work is such an inconvenience). If the weather cooperated, I could pretty easily make it to Bedwell for customs in two days. They would be long days, but we have found that we have enjoyed long days cruising in this boat. So from there, what suggestions would you have for a newbie?
Don't have a set time schedule. Stop and enjoy the places and sites on the way. We find the best time is May June before school is out and September October when school starts. July and August are just TOO.
Go anytime, Desolation Sound is hardly far North. But, summer crowds will be heavy there. So get to your anchorage early in the day. Why stop at Desolation, go further and avoid the crowds. You now have a power boat. :thumb:

I have friends who go to Desolation on their 3 week vacation. You won't have a lot of time to smell the roses but it is certainly doable. Running the boat for 8 to 10 hours would certainly make it possible and give you more time in Desolation. August is VERY crowded and will probably be more so this year with the low fuel prices. We'll likely be there in August on our way back from the Broughton's.

By the way, I once made Bedwell in one day from Shilshole by playing the currents in Admiralty and Haro Strait so they are in your favor. This in a 7 knot boat.

And thanks for contributing to my retirement.
Don't have a set time schedule. Stop and enjoy the places and sites on the way. We find the best time is May June before school is out and September October when school starts. July and August are just TOO.

Yeah, that is part of the problem. My wife is a teacher and still a couple years out from retirement. We are locked into the academic calendar unfortunately. Once she retires, I think I will take vacation in September after Labor Day.

Go anytime, Desolation Sound is hardly far North. But, summer crowds will be heavy there. So get to your anchorage early in the day. Why stop at Desolation, go further and avoid the crowds. You now have a power boat. :thumb:

I have the boat, but not the time (as I have to pay for it by working). current sailboat (need to get it sold) will also cruise at 7 knots so while this new boat is 2 knots faster than the boats that I have cruised the San Juans in, it isn't much faster than my current sailboat. (Just a lot more comfortable).

I have friends who go to Desolation on their 3 week vacation. You won't have a lot of time to smell the roses but it is certainly doable. Running the boat for 8 to 10 hours would certainly make it possible and give you more time in Desolation. August is VERY crowded and will probably be more so this year with the low fuel prices. We'll likely be there in August on our way back from the Broughton's.

By the way, I once made Bedwell in one day from Shilshole by playing the currents in Admiralty and Haro Strait so they are in your favor. This in a 7 knot boat.

Gig Harbor to Bedwell is close to 100nm or about 14 hours. Possible, but having never been to Bedwell I don't really want to risk trying to find my way to an anchorage or slip in the dark. That also assumes that the Straits are cooperating. So far, I have been fortunate every time I have crossed. Want to do it the first time in this boat in calm weather.

Yeah, I am thinking that earlier may be better. My wife gets done with school at the end of June so the earliest we could leave would be June 24th. That would get us well into Canada before the July 4th weekend.

From Bedwell, where would be another good jump North?

And thanks for contributing to my retirement.

No problem. :thumb:
Yeah, I am thinking that earlier may be better. My wife gets done with school at the end of June so the earliest we could leave would be June 24th. That would get us well into Canada before the July 4th weekend.

Keep in mind that July 1st is Canada Day and all the boating locations close to population centers in BC will be very crowded. I always keep that date in mind when cruising in BC.

Concerning Bedwell, I don't think customs is open after hours but could be wrong. There is a call in phone at the head of the dock. If you could get across the straits and up Haro Strait a good stopping place would be Reid Harbor on Stuart Island. Just a short jump to Bedwell from there. That's a long day to be sure.
Keep in mind that July 1st is Canada Day and all the boating locations close to population centers in BC will be very crowded. I always keep that date in mind when cruising in BC.

Forgot about Canada Day. Yeah, that would make that a 3 day weekend for our Northern friends.

Concerning Bedwell, I don't think customs is open after hours but could be wrong. There is a call in phone at the head of the dock. If you could get across the straits and up Haro Strait a good stopping place would be Reid Harbor on Stuart Island. Just a short jump to Bedwell from there. That's a long day to be sure.

I didn't think about the hours they would be open. I would need to get into the Customs dock far enough ahead of their closing. Your suggestion of Stuart Isl. is a good one. It would be a relatively quick trip from from the Prevost Harbor side of Stuart Island State Park to Bedwell.

Just need to figure out where the next stop could be North of Bedwell.
A schedule can be one of the most dangerous things to have on a boat. Having to be somewhere on a certain date can cause you to make poor decisions. Decisions like running in poor weather or at night.

If you must be home by a certain date, I suggest planning your trip so you should arrive a few days earlier than that date. That way you will allow for weather or other problems.
A schedule can be one of the most dangerous things to have on a boat. Having to be somewhere on a certain date can cause you to make poor decisions. Decisions like running in poor weather or at night.

If you must be home by a certain date, I suggest planning your trip so you should arrive a few days earlier than that date. That way you will allow for weather or other problems.

Excellent advice. I was thinking of planning for 14 days but I would have an extra two days of leeway if weather interfered. 2 days isn't much cushion however.
You could always run up to Anacortes and spend the night then jump across to Sidney and clear customs. The inside track from there north is a nice cruise. My vote for the next stop north is Ladysmith and stay at the Maritime Society docks. They are new, clean, free showers, nice little cafe on the dock and a short walk to town. The bakery and butcher shop are worth the trip. On the way back make a stop in Montague Harbor. Fun place and last year we had an Orca pod swim right into the anchorage!
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Bedwell Harbour to Pender Harbour is right around 70 miles, depending upon which pass you choose.

Another good suggestion. Assuming it doesn't take too long getting through Canadian customs and assuming that weather and current were favorable. I would kind of like to go up through Dodd Narrows as I've never been that way before.

You could always run up to Anacortes and spend the night then jump across to Sidney and clear customs. The inside track from there north is a nice cruise. My vote for the next stop north is Ladysmith and stay at the Maritime Society docks. They are new, clean, free showers, nice little cafe on the dock and a short walk to town. The bakery and butcher shop are worth the trip. On the way back make a stop in Montague Harbor. Fun place and last year we had an Orca pod swim right into the anchorage!

More great suggestions. However, it is a long trip to Anacortes from Gig Harbor.
Dodd Narrows can be a real circus. Currents you can plan for, some of the idiots you encounter, no planning possible. Very busy during summer months.
Dodd Narrows can be a real circus. Currents you can plan for, some of the idiots you encounter, no planning possible. Very busy during summer months.

Hm... yeah, that could be a problem. Lots of boats, narrow channel, limited time at slack current.... Active Pass or Pelior (sp) may be better. Assuming the weather is decent in the Strait of Georgia.
In 2013 we managed a two week vacation to Desolation in our Camano, traveling at about 8.5 knots the whole trip. We left from south Lake Washington, spent the first night in Kingston, cleared customs in Bedwell and anchored the second night in Montague. The next morning we headed through Gabriola Pass, saw the weather was too rough, and tucked into Silva Bay. Four hours later the weather had subsided and we ran across to Secret Cove. The next day we were in Desolation Sound at Grace Harbor. Total running time was 28 hours. We spent 8 days exploring before heading back. It's possible to do in two weeks, but you have to be ready run 8 to 10 hours a day getting there and back.
Hm... yeah, that could be a problem. Lots of boats, narrow channel, limited time at slack current.... Active Pass or Pelior (sp) may be better. Assuming the weather is decent in the Strait of Georgia.
What Bob Cofer said; inside track.

Forget about Desolation as a destination. Lots of places to get you nicely sidetracked without a schedule. Just cast off and work a couple days at a time.

Gig to Port Townsend to Sidney to Ladysmith.
Gabriola Pass to secret Cove or Pender Harbour.

From there, roll the dice.

I'd do Princess Louisa or even Sechelt Inlet before Desolation.

Save Desolation for a stop on the way to or from a northern trip later on.

You have the June.
You guys are providing me with just the ideas I need, thanks. Ladysmith sounds good. Haven't been there since 2006 when I picked up my Dad's boat.
We plan to cruise desolation several times but did not make it as we stop at several places along the way. Also we like to cruise and drive 2 to 6 hours per day. Besides there are not many resturants, shopping and marinas in desolation. Anyway there are a lot of places to stop see visit on the way. We tend to be vagabonds.
dhays; said:
Ladysmith sounds good.
Or Telegraph Harbour, or Silva Bay or Newcastle, or...or...

Forgot to ask;
Overnight preference, hook or dock?
How many days do you "think" you can do without a marina?
What is your tender-power-range?

Some more points to think about...July 1, Friday. July 4, Monday.
A perfect storm.

A large contingent of Canadians will be moving out Thursday for sure and cheating it to a 5 day weekend. July 1 is a BIG boating weekend. Probably not as many from the US as later but really busy.

Aug.1, BC Day, same thing but more US folks heading north and south.

Most BC schools run to June 29 this year, so you get a head start.

This is two weeks not a weekend and I'm betting you will tire of continuous 8-10 hour days real quick. As you near the long weekend, you will also need to plan for early, like mid day, arrivals unless you have reservations.

If you must do Desolation; Ladysmith or Kuper Is. gives you the option of Dodd if you want to try it and I would, if timing is right. Jump across to Nelson/Hardy Island on say, the 27th. From there you could provision at Westview, say "Hi" to the Spy and still do Desolation ahead of the crush, or head into Jervis Inlet with the challenge of Telescope Passage.

Hotham, Prince of Wales and Sechelt Inlet will not be as busy as Desolation. Sechelt Inlet affords good tender exploring without the crowds and you get to see the mighty Skookumchuck..

In any event, figure on crowds June 29 to July 4 which will make relocation a headache. Same for Aug.1.

Oh yeah, Genoa Bay if you get the chance.
Sigh, too many choices.
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dhays; said:
Time: I could go at the end of June, or I could go end of July through August.
I just picked up on this. Are you saying you have a month +/- at that time? If so that is when you do a couple of long days, hit Desolation and keep going...and going.
Forgot to ask;
Overnight preference, hook or dock?
Either. After a couple days my wife needs to stretch her legs. So dock or a place to dinghy in. Neither of us are fond of crowds.
How many days do you "think" you can do without a marina?
5-7 days
What is your tender-power-range?
10' rib, Honda 8hp 4 stroke
No, thank God!

Some more points to think about...July 1, Friday. July 4, Monday.
A perfect storm.

Yeah, I have been looking at that as well. Both US and Canada with 3 day weekends.

A large contingent of Canadians will be moving out Thursday for sure and cheating it to a 5 day weekend. July 1 is a BIG boating weekend. Probably not as many from the US as later but really busy.

Aug.1, BC Day, same thing but more US folks heading north and south.

Most BC schools run to June 29 this year, so you get a head start.

This is two weeks not a weekend and I'm betting you will tire of continuous 8-10 hour days real quick. As you near the long weekend, you will also need to plan for early, like mid day, arrivals unless you have reservations.
I think we can do 2-3 long days, then will need to take it easy. We can then do 2-3 long days coming back home.

If you must do Desolation; Ladysmith or Kuper Is. gives you the option of Dodd if you want to try it and I would, if timing is right. Jump across to Nelson/Hardy Island on say, the 27th. From there you could provision at Westview, say "Hi" to the Spy and still do Desolation ahead of the crush, or head into Jervis Inlet with the challenge of Telescope Passage.

Hotham, Prince of Wales and Sechelt Inlet will not be as busy as Desolation. Sechelt Inlet affords good tender exploring without the crowds and you get to see the mighty Skookumchuck..

In any event, figure on crowds June 29 to July 4 which will make relocation a headache. Same for Aug.1.

Oh yeah, Genoa Bay if you get the chance.
Sigh, too many choices.

Yeah, way too many options. That is part of my problem. Your ideas are extremely helpful however!
I just picked up on this. Are you saying you have a month +/- at that time? If so that is when you do a couple of long days, hit Desolation and keep going...and going.

I wish. No, I only can take about two weeks. My wife is done with school end of June so the earliest we could leave would be the 24th, but that would be pushing it a bit. My wife has a wedding that she would like to be at in the middle of July, so that would leave us the end of July until near the end of August to get two weeks in that period.
I wish. No, I only can take about two weeks. My wife is done with school end of June so the earliest we could leave would be the 24th, but that would be pushing it a bit. My wife has a wedding that she would like to be at in the middle of July, so that would leave us the end of July until near the end of August to get two weeks in that period.
Um, you are an experienced single hander; why can't she just fly home for the wedding.

Hey...that was NOT my idea, ok?
We are berthed on Vashon Island in Quartermaster Harbor and this is how we head north. We try to get an early start and can run all the way to Anacortes thru Swinomish channel, but staying in La Conner is an option too. From there we go to Prevost Harbor on Stuart Island to stage for the next run into Canada. You can get to Bedwell to clear customs that same day but we choose to go the next as it is a short hop across to clear customs from Stuart. Clearing customs has always been a short process for us, 15 minutes including a restroom stop for crew members. Then, we go to either Nanaimo or Telegraph harbor to catch the right tide thru Dodd Narrows.

It all depends on how far north you'd like to go but remember there is a lot of nice places to go in the Gulf Islands. We prefer the no schedule schedule when cruising. We are both retired teachers now and completely understand your academic schedule.
Um, you are an experienced single hander; why can't she just fly home for the wedding.

Hey...that was NOT my idea, ok?

Lol, great idea. The only problem is time and money. Those two are always so annoying.
We are berthed on Vashon Island in Quartermaster Harbor and this is how we head north. We try to get an early start and can run all the way to Anacortes thru Swinomish channel, but staying in La Conner is an option too. From there we go to Prevost Harbor on Stuart Island to stage for the next run into Canada. You can get to Bedwell to clear customs that same day but we choose to go the next as it is a short hop across to clear customs from Stuart. Clearing customs has always been a short process for us, 15 minutes including a restroom stop for crew members. Then, we go to either Nanaimo or Telegraph harbor to catch the right tide thru Dodd Narrows.

It all depends on how far north you'd like to go but remember there is a lot of nice places to go in the Gulf Islands. We prefer the no schedule schedule when cruising. We are both retired teachers now and completely understand your academic schedule.

Hey Keith,

You are nearly a neighbor.

It is a long run to Anacortes, but it does get you very far North via a protected route. Where do you like to stay in Anacortes? In all the years I have been boating, I have never sailed to Anacortes.
Dave, yes Gig Harbor is in our neighborhood and we often go there for a day trip. In Anacortes we stay in Cap Sante marina. Nice clean facilities and not much current to deal with. Close to walking anywhere in town for supplies etc. it is a long day but it puts us on the edge of the San Juans pretty quickly.

If your goal is Desolation Sound and you only have 2 weeks, you won't have time to dilly dally in the Gulf Islands. Get there as fast (and safely) as you can. Save the Gulf Islands for another 2 week trip some other time.

I've had to do in 2 weeks as well a couple of times. Day 1 Prevost if you can, Day 2 Bedwell and minimum Nanaimo or Silva Bay, but hopefully the 70 miles or so to Pender Harbour, Day 3 Desolation Sound! Long days, but worth it as you'll have a fair amount of time where you want to be!
There are so many places to go that you can't go wrong in your selection of ports and towns. The only risk I see is you turning it into more of a delivery trip than pleasure trip. Don't make a destination that creates too many long days. Here's one of our recent patterns of hours per day.


Here's what our pattern was for our Alaska Cruise

On a 14 day trip, I would target 56 hours of cruising. That's an average of 4 per day. So often an 8 hour day, then spend a day. Anything over 70 and it starts to feel not so much like a relaxing trip. In 2015 we cruised 1007 hours. That's an average of 2.75 hours per calendar day. We were actually on cruises 264 days. So during our cruising time we averaged 3.8 hours per day. When you're just doing one trip it's fine to boost that up a bit, even to 5 hours per day. Just try to keep a balance. Assuming you're cruising at 8 knots (I don't recall your speed) then 4 hours a day allows you to cover 448 nm and 5 hours per day gets you 560 nm.
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