Need advice for first longer cruise.

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I just asked my son if there were any Pokemon here and he didn't know because he hadn't checked. However we did just spend 30 minutes discussing the mechanics of that game.

Wifey B: Just so glad to read how much fun everyone is having. We sometimes don't talk about fun enough here and isn't that really what this is all about? Trips like the one you're on are affirmation you made a great decision in the boat. There are days when it really hits. When you just want to smile, not about one specific thing but all of it. We work hard for the payoff and trips like the one you're on are the payoff. :)
We sometimes don't talk about fun enough here and isn't that really what this is all about?
I don't want to drag this "west coast" thread all the way to the Atlantic but... almost every thread on here is about fun because it involves doing what we love. Heads n halibut, anchors n abalone...
I don't want to drag this "west coast" thread all the way to the Atlantic but... almost every thread on here is about fun because it involves doing what we love. Heads n halibut, anchors n abalone...

Wifey B: It's about what we love but it's not often about the reasons we love it or the parts we love. Just look at today's threads and you'll see. Financing, Fumigation, Anchoring, Reservations, etc. This thread is so refreshingly good. :) And even better when he talked about his family and their enjoyment and not just about the places. Boating to us is about being on the water and the places we visit, but it's highlights are those we do it with.
Wifey B: It's about what we love but it's not often about the reasons we love it or the parts we love. Just look at today's threads and you'll see. Financing, Fumigation, Anchoring, Reservations, etc. This thread is so refreshingly good. :) And even better when he talked about his family and their enjoyment and not just about the places. Boating to us is about being on the water and the places we visit, but it's highlights are those we do it with.

My wife and I just got back from a dinghy tour of the Prideaux Haven area. Looked at lots of interesting boats. My wife made the point that while our boat is larger than what just the two of us need, and that it will be nice in a way when the kids leave us again, we really appreciate the boat choice we made because we do want to include family as much as possible.
My wife and I just got back from a dinghy tour of the Prideaux Haven area. Looked at lots of interesting boats.
You see Ascente in there?

She must take up a lot of real estate.


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Don't know about that one Hawgwash but I did see the Aurora just South of
Port Neville last evening.
Sorry no pictures. I had my hands full with 25 to 30 knots of Westerly and a
following sea.

Sorry no pictures. I had my hands full with 25 to 30 knots of Westerly and a following sea.
Ted, Hi!
As I read it I anticipated a 25 to 30 pounder.
Busy where you are?

Ascente at 112' is set up to single hand.
Poor guy.
Not too busy here.
Was up in Sointula to haul the boat.
If it's going to be "uncomfortable", it'll will likely be that Port Neville - Kelsey Bay
The Aurora is that 120' Nordhavn from Vancouver, it angled right across toward the
Vancouver Island side of the Strait. I had to change course before he did.
Was "rolling along" with the autopilot off.

My wife made the point that while our boat is larger than what just the two of us need, and that it will be nice in a way when the kids leave us again, we really appreciate the boat choice we made because we do want to include family as much as possible.

It's a reason we're doing the loop on the size boat we are. We love having the others who are with us and those who have joined us for different parts of the trip. We didn't need the space for us. But right now we have eight on board. We do our alone boating when we're home and not cruising and then just go out by ourselves for a day or a few days.

We spent a lot of our life where it was mostly just the two of us. Now that somehow we've ended up with an extended family of friends, we truly love having them with us. Maybe one day we'll seek more time with just the two of us, but that day isn't here yet.
You see Ascente in there?

She must take up a lot of real estate.

Yes, if I recall she was tucked into the end of the Eveleigh anchorage. While my daughter and I were kayaking there we saw a float plane land and I think deliver some guests. The most interesting boat was the Malibu, a 101' woody from Seattle. They have a sign hanging on the sign with basic information as to year built, builder, designer, and the fact that it is privately owned and NOT for charter. I am sure that the sign has cut down on the number of unwanted questions.
Malibu is a frequent visitor to Prideaux. She is one of the largest to anchor inside. Anything the size of Ascente or larger usually anchors outside. That may be due to the constant air traffic to the big guys.
I was amazed. My 43' boat isn't huge, but in my little marina there aren't that many that are much larger. Not so in Prideaux Haven. It was filled with what I would consider huge boats.
Yes, if I recall she was tucked into the end of the Eveleigh anchorage. While my daughter and I were kayaking there we saw a float plane land and I think deliver some guests. The most interesting boat was the Malibu, a 101' woody from Seattle. They have a sign hanging on the sign with basic information as to year built, builder, designer, and the fact that it is privately owned and NOT for charter. I am sure that the sign has cut down on the number of unwanted questions.
I hope the youngsters with their PWCs from Ascente don't harass you too much but I guess you are leaving before the weekend. Owner's name is Steve if you need to call him on behavior.

I noticed Malibu was up there. Like so many of the real old timers on our coast she has a storied past. As were many, she was conscripted in WWII. Not sure if she got the standard paint job of the day. She also ran up on a San Juan reef about a dozen years ago. Sound familiar?


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Tonight we ended up in Squirrel cove after a late afternoon decision to pick up and leave Laura Cove. This is one very crowded anchorage. Tried to squeeze in a stern tie in one location but the kids were utterly failing at getting the stern tie set so I called them off and headed to the opposite side and did a stern tie there.

A 20 minute dinghy ride this evening to the Squirrel Cove store got me some rum so I am now sitting in my Pilothouse, listening to some great music, sipping a rum and coke, and listening to the kids play a board game at the galley table. (Kids of course are my 27 year old daughter and her husband and my 25 year old son.). The sky has that deep blue color you get on a clear night an hour after the sun has set, silhouetting the black profile of the surrounding mountains.

Yes WifeyB, I am having fun.
This is one very crowded anchorage. Tried to squeeze in a stern tie in one location but the kids were utterly failing at getting the stern tie set so I called them off and headed to the opposite side and did a stern tie there.
If you need a spare anchor, there is every brand and size you could ever want on the bottom of Squirrel Cove. Have another rum.
If you need a spare anchor, there is every brand and size you could ever want on the bottom of Squirrel Cove. Have another rum.

Yeah, that is a concern as I have heard that reputation. My understanding is that due to the history of squirrel cove there is a lot logging trash on the bottom. I retrieved the anchor without difficulty the first time. Hopefully will do OK on the second.
Yeah, that is a concern as I have heard that reputation. My understanding is that due to the history of squirrel cove there is a lot logging trash on the bottom. I retrieved the anchor without difficulty the first time. Hopefully will do OK on the second.
Cables mostly. More over by the lagoon side.

Looks like Refuge and Malaspina Inlet are quieter if you want to do a moonlight waltz.

Have another rum.
Not sure what we will do today. Tonight will be our last night in the DS area. I thought today that we could check out the lagoon in Squirrel Cove this morning, low tide is at around 9:00am. Let the kids see/play in the tidal Rapids, then maybe head over to Refuge Cove for some tourist shopping, then spend the afternoon somewhere for some swimming.

My wife may even want to head back to Prideaux and go deep into Melanie Cove. But there is always Teakerne Arm or Malispina that seems like they might be fun to explore. Too many places and too few days.
Morning Dave.
Can't help you with deciding where to go. It will be nuts everywhere and will get worse as the day moves on. Just like camping.

I'd guess Malaspina/Okeover would be the least busy.

I'm sure you know of the "trail" to Von Donop.

Just curious;
AIS shows 10 boats in Squirrel Cove this morning and I'm wondering how many there really are. 60? 70? More?

Also, many Canadians? I doubt it.
I don't know about Von Donop trail.

Sitting here at anchor I can count 67 boats not counting myself. There are some parts of the anchorage that I can't see from here, particularly as it is low tide and the small islands are too high to see over at the moment. So your guess is right on.
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I don't know about Von Donop trail.
Von Donop is another hugely popular spot just over the hump from you. There is a rugged trail/skid road connecting the two. If I remember, the Squirrel Cove end is near the store. Check your books on Von Donop for when you come back in Sept.
After our visit to Squirrel Cove in June, my wife now refers to it as Mosquito Cove.
Yeah, the mosquitoes weren't that bad there. They were a lot worse for us in Pendrell Sound. I think a lot spends on the wind. A slight breeze will tend to keep the mosquitoes down but we had very little when we were in Pendrell.

I am one of those folks that attracts mosquitoes. I am the person that you want with you when you are outdoors in mosquito areas. They will ignore you and aim for me.
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Looking out towards the entrance of Melanie Cove and Prideaux Haven. My wife keeps saying how much she likes it here and in Laura Cove. She wants to come back.
Ted-is the Aurora the 120' Nordy that the owner converted to diesel-electric a few years ago? I met someone who worked on that project and the owner spent major, major bucks to do the conversion.

The Malib must have just gotten up there, We went through the Locks with her about 9-10 days ago. She is a beautiful boat!

Dave-haven't posted anything, but have been avidly following your trip, sure sounds like it is turning out to be everything you hopped for. Keep up the great time!
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Looking out towards the entrance of Melanie Cove and Prideaux Haven. My wife keeps saying how much she likes it here and in Laura Cove. She wants to come back.

Looks like you are having a great first long trip! That's wonderful that your wife is taking to it and wants to come back for more.
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Looking out towards the entrance of Melanie Cove and Prideaux Haven. My wife keeps saying how much she likes it here and in Laura Cove. She wants to come back.

You wife has extremely good taste, Laura Cove and Melanie Cove are two of our special places. Along with Roscoe Bay, always with a hike to Black Lake and Tenedos Bay and another hike to Unwin Lake along with its great creek.

Looks like you anchored in our favorite spot in Melanie Cove, here is a photo from our last trip. Following along with you has brought back some great memories, have a great trip and enjoy!


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