New Dude Hoping to fit in.

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Feb 3, 2015
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
Defever 49
I have just bought a 2005 Defever 49 CPMY and need help with all the systems. 135 hp Perkins I need to know the size of props and pitch it would take. There was nothing on the props
Welcome aboard! Are you looking for spares or what is actually on there?
My thoughts are have a diver take a look next time one is working on or near you.
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Welcome to Trawler Forum
Welcome Aboard.

Do I understand that you bought a boat with no prop on it? How did you sea trial it and how did you get a comprehensive survey done?

If it has a prop on it but you are unsure if it is the right size, read up on the engine, determine what the W.O.T. is supposed to be and see if you achieve it under load or in neutral. Go from there.

(WOT= Wide Open Throttle)

sapple, Don't worry about fitting in here as the rules are simple. 1) Don't start a thread about anchors & 2) Don't comment on how to mark anchor rode. Search those subjects first! :hide:
Oh you’ll fit in fine, after all, you Allready have a boat. Now post pics, cuz we like pics.

Thanks for the warm welcome everyone. I'm looking to replace the current ones and use these for spares. I am looking for a New or preferably
reconditioned set.
Welcome aboard. Congrats on your new boat. Are the current props not marked? They usually have a stamp on the hub as to what the diameter and pitch is. As said before see what WOT RPMs you get before doing anything. Then if you are not able to get the proper RPMs then a prop shop should be able to recommend what size you need to go to. They will need to know what you got for RPMs at WOT and what size your current props are. They can scan the props to see what size they are if the props are not marked but you would have to pull them and take them to the shop. Call first and make sure they have scanning equipment. Good luck.
I have DeFever 44. It came with 25 x 20 props if that means anything to you. With a full load of fuel and water the boat reaches 2,350 RPM with a clean bottom. It may be slightly over-propped as the FL120s should ideally reach 2,500 RPM. It does not concern me or would it for many others here on this forum.

I am curious, however, why you would determine to replace your props without knowing what the diameter and pitch you have. As for spending new money to have spares on board, that would not be something I would do. There are so many other ways to spend boat bucks. Your DeFever has a full-length keep giving good protection of your props. Having spares, although for some would be peace of mind, on your boat would be a very expensive just-in-case. Others here may have a different opinion.
I have just bought a 2005 Defever 49 CPMY and need help with all the systems. 135 hp Perkins I need to know the size of props and pitch it would take. There was nothing on the props
Welcome aboard! Excellent choice of boat! Sorry, can't help on the props....we have Deeres in our D44.
Welcome aboard. What is / will be your cruising area?
Look also at the message threads in the Defever section of boat makes here.
Our port will be Clearwater/Sand Key and thanks I will check out the Defever section.

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