Hardluck - I told you so... the advice from TF members you're getting is invaluable and it's based on personal experiences of those who have been down the same waterways. Now my 2 cents. I'm the 3rd owner of my MS and I didn't get a full accounting of service and maintenance. The surveyor confirmed that the mechanical aspects of the boat were sound, but he also advised me set aside the cosmetic issues and get smart on the things that make the boat go - ie engine, transmission, filters, heat exchangers, coolant, zincs, thru hulls... the things that can leave you stranded. This applies to the generator also... the transmission fluid in my trans was reddish brown which indicates a long time between changes - maybe never.... You can get manuals for your engine, gen, trans, etc, and they'll have operator maintenance and service intervals listed. Also, having fluid samples analyzed is helpful. As an auto shop guy, this isn't anything new, but as a new boat owner, it's somewhat of a learning curve. We on TF are always learning something new from other members.. Welcome again.