New to forum, 53' Choey Lee Efficient

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Dec 4, 2015
Vessel Name
Scot Free
Vessel Make
Cheoy Lee 53' Efficient
Hi to all, new to the site but am a bit of an old salt. My real name is Ian and I was born in a little fishing village on the East Coast of Scotland. Grew up around wood and steel trawlers like the Millers of Pittenweem style. Gotta love them.
I have been a professional mariner and sailed the word having circumnavigated more times than I would like to admit as the navigation officer on (mostly) tramp ships. I also worked as a commercial salvage master for more than ten years. Shore bound, I was a commercial marine surveyor a job that I am having to give up due to issues with my heart required multiple surgeries.

So, heading in to my dotage I was looking for an interesting boat to live on and travel around like an old shellback. I gave up sailing when I couldn't handle the cramped quarters, constant climbing up and down or grinding on winches.

I came upon a slightly neglected Tom Fexas designed Choey Lee 53' Efficient Yacht about a year and a half ago. Bought it and have been working on the restoration and updating of the boat. The boat had great bones and has shined up nicely. Am about finished, maybe about three months more to go. Then its off on some adventures, where ever I can find them.

Although the home port is New Orleans, where I live, the boat is in Kemah, Texas and I live aboard her three weeks of the month. Am in the process of selling my condo in preparation of full time living aboard.

So thats me and my boat. I have poked around the site a bit and am really impressed with the depth of knowlege and enthusiasm here. Even though i have been around boats all my life I find all kinds of neat and new (to me) info here. Look forward to continuing my maritime education here.
I will try to post a pic here although electronics are the least of my skills.


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So, as I said, digital age is not my strong point. The photo was right way up on my iPad. Don't know why it posted upside down. i will refrain from posting more pics til i figure that out.
So, as I said, digital age is not my strong point. The photo was right way up on my iPad. Don't know why it posted upside down. i will refrain from posting more pics til i figure that out.

That,s OK, looks nice.
the Aussies and NZ'ers should see it as normal.:lol::hide:

Hi to all, new to the site but am a bit of an old salt. My real name is Ian and I was born in a little fishing village on the East Coast of Scotland. Grew up around wood and steel trawlers like the Millers of Pittenweem style. Gotta love them.
I have been a professional mariner and sailed the word having circumnavigated more times than I would like to admit as the navigation officer on (mostly) tramp ships. I also worked as a commercial salvage master for more than ten years. Shore bound, I was a commercial marine surveyor a job that I am having to give up due to issues with my heart required multiple surgeries.

So, heading in to my dotage I was looking for an interesting boat to live on and travel around like an old shellback. I gave up sailing when I couldn't handle the cramped quarters, constant climbing up and down or grinding on winches.

I came upon a slightly neglected Tom Fexas designed Choey Lee 53' Efficient Yacht about a year and a half ago. Bought it and have been working on the restoration and updating of the boat. The boat had great bones and has shined up nicely. Am about finished, maybe about three months more to go. Then its off on some adventures, where ever I can find them.

Although the home port is New Orleans, where I live, the boat is in Kemah, Texas and I live aboard her three weeks of the month. Am in the process of selling my condo in preparation of full time living aboard.

So thats me and my boat. I have poked around the site a bit and am really impressed with the depth of knowlege and enthusiasm here. Even though i have been around boats all my life I find all kinds of neat and new (to me) info here. Look forward to continuing my maritime education here.
I will try to post a pic here although electronics are the least of my skills.

Sounds like you have a great plan for which you're well prepared. I don't own one and never have, but I'm a bit of a fan of Cheoy Lee. I assume there are neglected ones in bad condition but I've seen some that looked great for their age and the owners talked about how sound they were. From where you are, you're obviously free to in any direction and end up anywhere. I think the one thing you will find is that you'll see far more than you ever have even with all your experience. You'll have the time to really know the places you visit or take up temporary residence. I was talking to others in the industry yesterday about all the places we'd been in our lives but never seen (In business, I experienced the same). We've done so much cruising the last three years and yet really barely touched what there is in just the areas we've cruised. We maintain a list of places we want to visit and see and it never seems to get shorter, just longer.
Welcome aboard from a fellow Cheoy Lee owner!

Rangers or Celtic? Of course, if you're unaffiliated in this country, may I suggest my team of 40 years: the Portland Timbers. Yes, I'm in a very good mood today...
Welcome Ian. That is probably the best looking Cheoy Lee I have seen. Fexas drew some sweet lines. Great cruising ahead. All the best to you.
Nice boat and welcome-if ever in the vermilion bay area give me a shout. Love to check out your handiwork.
Welcome aboard from a fellow Cheoy Lee owner!

Rangers or Celtic? Of course, if you're unaffiliated in this country, may I suggest my team of 40 years: the Portland Timbers. Yes, I'm in a very good mood today...

Ha! I know better than to answer that question!:socool: I went to college in Glasgow where the wrong answer to that question in a pub can get you seriously hurt.

Saw your video on your site. Very cool.
Nice boat and welcome-if ever in the vermilion bay area give me a shout. Love to check out your handiwork.

Will do. When I get out of here I will be heading east. Ditch or offshore will depend on weather. If its the ditch I will stop in your neck of the woods and get some decent crawfish and maybe drink a beer. Glad to show off my baby.
So before I had my heart issues, my other joy was to fly around in my plane. I owned a Commander 114 then a Cirrus SR22 for those pilots among you. I flew to each corner of this great country, Alaska, California, Maine and Florida as well as most of the states in between. I even flew in to the Great Lakes area, landing at the little island airport at Put-In Bay. I always made time to look around and get to know the area. Spent 2 weeks in Alaska landing in out of the way strips and flying over glaciers. My point is, that there is so much to see around the country that its gonna be fun looking at it at 10 knots or less. Even better will be getting to know the people that do this lifestyle and sharing experiences. See ya out there!
Welcome aboard! Here you go...


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Great boat, great background. Two things, first you're supposed to ask us what kind of boat you need before you buy it. Second, what engines?
OMG, OMG, OMG.....:facepalm:
I should have known that! :facepalm:

So, what kind of boat should I have bought? :angel:

Are my two Cat 3208 Turbo's no good? I knew it, I should change them for Yanmars, right?
How d'you do that?????:confused:

I saved it to my iPad, then I used an app called Snapseed to flip it, then re uploaded it to TF. I'm not sure why you had the issue in the first place, if you viewed it correctly before you uploaded.

Ian-beautiful boat-love Fexas designs. But you have to get with here on TF!

What kind of anchor (whatever it is, it's the wrong one!). See HopCar, he can get you the right one! And chain or rode?
Ian-beautiful boat-love Fexas designs. But you have to get with here on TF!

What kind of anchor (whatever it is, it's the wrong one!). See HopCar, he can get you the right one! And chain or rode?

I have a 30 lb block of concrete on a nylon fliment line with a test strength of 50lbs. I know, right? Too much?

Ok this is fun stuff but the real threads on these issues are very informative.
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