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Jul 27, 2024
Hi everyone! I am new to the forum. I'm planning to purchasing a trawler once I feel I have the research I need to do to make informed decisions. I welcome any and all positive advice. My goal is not only to learn what I want but what I need to steer clear of.
Thank you everyone in advance.
Background boating info on you is extremely helpful.
I was the unit leader for the Coast Guard Auxiliary in Prince Rupert, BC. I have had a fair bit of training and did well at RHIOT school in Bamfield on the west coast of Vancouver Island. I have 4 boats from a small fishing boat to a custom 30 foot welded aluminum planing hull cruiser. I know none of these are the same as a displacement hull. There are many things to look at for me to consider a live-aboard or distance cruiser including which boats are better for open water. I understand electronics but again that is something that is very dynamic so advice is welcomed. All information is appreciated.
My std advice to those looking to buy is...
Define (in writing) how you intend using the boat, time distance, frequency, waters etc
List Must Haves, Wants / Nice but not all essentials and Don't Wants.
If a significant other in the picture have them do the same separately.
Then compare, combine and compromise to merge into a single list.
Research makes / models, walk docks and talk to owners, visit boat shows, etc to narrow and refine your best fit vessel.
Your objective is to buy your second boat first... avoid jumping at an early boat that catches your fancy only to find it doesn't work well for what you want / expect it to.
Make the learning & search fun vs work... make them mini vacations to boating locations similar to what you anticipate.
Lastly... consider chartering to learn first hand what works / doesn't work for you. Many say chartering is expensive but it can be enjoyable and the learnings priceless buying the wrong boat.
Good luck with your adventures

What are your top priorities and goals? There is a big difference between boats designed for extended ocean going vs. coastal cruising. Is it all or mostly BC and US PNW ?

For open water, it depends on "how far" and the ability to wait. Many coastal cruisers handle otherwise daunting open water (e.g. Dixon pass or west Vancouver Island) simply by waiting for reasonable weather.

The good news is that there are many great choices (assuming budget allows)!
Welcome aboard.
Where you come from makes me guess you have a more refined experience backlog than most "newbies".

Looking forward to seeing your lists of where to cruise and how long and must haves, etc.

Best to you.

Welcome from southwest Florida! Bacchus offers the best and most comprehensive advice. If there is a significant other, definitely get their input.
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