Nicro Fico Made a Fool Out of Me

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Aug 7, 2020
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Often surveying the New England coast and especially on assignments or insurance company C&V’s ( Condition & Valuation) it would be necessary to row or motor out to the boat on a mooring. This was always done by either taking the Yacht Club launch service or taking the owner’s tender which would be tied up at home dock or marina dinghy dock. On this occasion I was offered a gorgeous Lawley tender with long custom cupped oars owned by one of the Firestone family. The boat to be inspected was a 40 something Aage Nielsen designed Paul Luke built yawl on a mooring quite a ways out. I had a great time admiring the tender and handling such nice oars. Once aboard I tied off the painter to a quarter cleat and went to surveying.

A quick look revealed this was to be a very easy and instructive session in a man’s private yacht set up like only a long time knowledgeable sailor could. From the wood coal stove in the cabin to the classic Herreshoff fisherman style anchors and Luke windlass. I should have paid to do this job. As always I leave a boat in the same condition as found, batteries off, cushions restored all closed up. But as I was closing the companionway doors I heard something running ? So down I go and check the master battery switch but It’s off ? I go forward and find a small round ventilator fan running in the head deck head. There is no switch that I could find so how to turn this damn thing off. I’m totally puzzled and go so far as to remove a battery cable but it’s still running. Must be batteries I’m thinking but then where is the switch ? I go up on deck and walk the coachroof where this little fan is located and spinning. As I bend down to further inspect I cast a shadow on it and it stops. I get up and it starts again then bingo I realize this is a solar powered unit. Never seen one before so back down to the battery bank and restore everything. When I get back to the dock the owner is there and tells me he was watching through his glasses and wanted to know if there was a problem. I confessed about the fan and he had a got laugh and I had a glass of rum with him at the house. Learn something every day.

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