So if I understood the subject of the thread, the OP learned his boat...
So if I understood the subject of the thread, the OP learned his boat...
So if I understood the subject of the thread, the OP learned his boat...
To keep you contained?
You’re a smart man, you should be able to understand that
Sorry...I was brought up in Canada within a framework of multiculturalism and a social safety net.
If you've ever wondered why Canada isn't having the same problems as you are, maybe you should check them out
Yes indeed, Canada does have an attractive social safety net that supports multiculturalism.
Enjoy: https://www.npr.org/2018/01/17/5785...a-from-the-u-s-amid-renewed-deportation-fears
Sorry again...I fail to see the negative in your posted link in that it demonstrates how a country with one tenth your population is dealing with those who are fleeing your country.
I`ve not met GFC either but I`m reasonably sure, based on this event, the nutria would be better company.
I now have a first hand nutria experience to share. Fired up both engines for a check last week. Out of the starboard exhaust port comes three very dead nutria- looking a smelling bad. About the size of small football. But there is more. Because we continued to get white bubbly stuff and a strong smell, in neutral, I surged the RPM up to 2000 for a second and a forth very smelly dead nutria coughed out. These things were not in there three weeks earlier. Were they feasting on the inside of my exhaust hose? Not likely sayid some "expert" but I immediately got some 1/4" mesh screen and fitted a temporary fix off the swim step. I then went to our new chandeliery (Svensen's at Bay Ship and Yacht) and ordered exhaust port flaps. 6" at $60/ea. They go on at haulout in November. The point is nutria are now a feature in the California Delta.