?On the road again...?

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That sucks. I think I would be driving to it and if nothing else sitting aboard for the weekend.
Put her in the water and sail her home.
That sucks. I think I would be driving to it and if nothing else sitting aboard for the weekend.

Believe me, we've thought about it!
What was originally billed as a 10 day trip has more than doubled.
We will live, but it is pretty disappointing.
As long as the boat arrives unscathed and sooner than later everything will be ok.
As long as the boat arrives unscathed and sooner than later everything will be ok.

Yup, as long as that happens, the delays will soon be forgotten. I'm sure it will arrive just fine.

That said, I totally feel for you! My boat was put on a truck on a Thu and arrived 3 days later. If it was estimated 10 going on 20 I'd be going bananas.

First world problems though! :)
Seriously, tell them to knock off a $1000 and deliver the boat to Bert Jabin's Yacht Yard in Annapolis. They will do a great job putting the fly bridge back together and you will get to experience an unexpected adventure on your new baby. Get lemons, make lemonade.
THINK ABOUT IT. Could Be Fun. [emoji41]
Seriously, tell them to knock off a $1000 and deliver the boat to Bert Jabin's Yacht Yard in Annapolis. They will do a great job putting the fly bridge back together and you will get to experience an unexpected adventure on your new baby. Get lemons, make lemonade.
THINK ABOUT IT. Could Be Fun. [emoji41]

We did think hard about bailing. Problem is that yards are in full swing now and we would wait even longer to get into the queue.
The transport company has offered a substantial reduction to the bill as a peace offering and we have accepted their offer. Now we settle in and wait!
I'm going to head off to purchase some fuel filters for the Cummins in my truck.
I'll do a little truck maintenance, put a final coat of paint on a new window at home and visit the boatyard to see what's up.......
At least they did something for you. Enjoy the boat when it finally gets there.
What's happening now?
I feel like I'm invested in this adventure. Is the little lady home yet?
Yes. Are we there yet..?
What's happening now?
I feel like I'm invested in this adventure. Is the little lady home yet?

This has been an amazing part of the adventure...
Esmeralde sat on the Deleware/Maryland border from the Friday before Memorial Day weekend until yesterday!
Problems with permits being filed in a timely manner, changes to the route due to the long period of sitting and other mistakes all conspired to make us wait.
Even on Monday, when new permits finally arrived to get the truck moving again, nobody had ordered the escort vehicles so everything sat for yet another day.

We are happily moving again now. The boat is in Connecticut and the driver believes that he will be here today!
As long as she is delivered in the condition we left her we will be happy again!

Here's a picture the driver sent us of her home for 11 days in Maryland...


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.We are happily moving again now. The boat is in Connecticut and the driver believes that he will be here today!

I certainly hope so Bruce. We are anxious to see you get Esmeralde in the water again.
All the bad stuff will fade away when you are about 5 feet off the dock in that beautiful, and enroute to Block Island.
Yet another screw up.
The boat is still a day out, stuck due to a failure to secure proper escort.
It is now only 100 miles from here.
I have no idea how this company is in business...Bruce
Hang in there Bruce . If it was mine I would have to stock up on nitroglycerin pills .
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Yet another screw up.
The boat is still a day out, stuck due to a failure to secure proper escort.
It is now only 100 miles from here.
I have no idea how this company is in business...Bruce

So sorry about the frustration.

I'm not sure how things went with your business, but in my practice it seems as if when there is a problem with a patient, that patient gets ALL the problems. There are never a bunch of little errors or omissions spread out amongst a bunch of patient ie an insurance screw-up on one, a mistake when scheduling an appointment, a problem with a prescription getting to the pharmacy, or the optical lab having breakage problems etc... It seems as if the gods align themselves against one poor soul and they get all those problem, saving the rest of the patients from suffering from them.

Maybe in this case, you and Dorsey are taking upon all the accumulated problems so others don't have to suffer them. Seems to me all those other happy and content transport customers owe you a beer.
Same in my business.
Good friends of ours live near the rest area where our boat is spending the evening.
They grabbed a bottle of wine and their dog Jack and went to visit Alan, the driver who is stuck in this Twilight Zone like situation.
From the left; Alan the driver who is trying hard to get us our boat. Barbara, our friend. The two other women are escort vehicle drivers. Jack the wonder dog and last but not least Barbara's husband Gary is taking the photo.


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Good friends of ours live near the rest area where our boat is spending the evening.
They grabbed a bottle of wine and their dog Jack and went to visit Alan, the driver who is stuck in this Twilight Zone like situation.
From the left; Alan the driver who is trying hard to get us our boat. Barbara, our friend. The two other women are escort vehicle drivers. Jack the wonder dog and last but not least Barbara's husband Gary is taking the photo.

And while doing so they were able to check the condition of the boat. Smart move.
And while doing so they were able to check the condition of the boat. Smart move.

I know if no person who is more meticulous than Gary.
He says the boat looks great!?
It isn't quite home yet but...
Another small world tidbit today...

We own a commercial building near our marina here in Rhode Island. Our tenant happened to be driving on the highway at the other side of the state this afternoon, and he saw our boat cruising up the road! She is getting close!

We thought about driving up to the rest stop where she is tonight, where our friends visited her in the picture above ^^, but it would have meant fighting the worst of rush hour traffic through Providence, so we passed. I think it would have been too much: being at the boat, but not being able to go aboard and check her out.

In the time it is taking to ship this boat you could have built a second one shipped it with a different carrier and splashed it. (Almost)
In the time it is taking to ship this boat you could have built a second one shipped it with a different carrier and splashed it. (Almost)

As someone posted earlier, this is definitely a "first world" problem...
It does not make it any easier to sit and wait through the stupid delays though.
Thankfully, we have a good rapport with the driver and he believes he will finally be there by mid day...

I like the idea of a second boat though, hmmmmm.......maybe one for the east coast and one for the west? I have to be careful, my wife reads these posts!
I am looking into my [emoji326] Crystal Ball and I see what looks like a boat. But I am confused its not on water. But it is heading your way.
Happy Day Today.
As someone posted earlier, this is definitely a "first world" problem...
It does not make it any easier to sit and wait through the stupid delays though.
Thankfully, we have a good rapport with the driver and he believes he will finally be there by mid day...

I like the idea of a second boat though, hmmmmm.......maybe one for the east coast and one for the west? I have to be careful, my wife reads these posts!

Wifey B: DORSEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Making sure she reads it. Sorry I screamed. :lol:

There by mid day? Well, yes, the question is just what day. I sure hope tomorrow is the day. :)
Wifey B: DORSEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Making sure she reads it. Sorry I screamed. :lol:

There by mid day? Well, yes, the question is just what day. I sure hope tomorrow is the day. :)

She made it here...finally!
The truck driver was awesome and other than being incredibly dirty, she appears to be just fine.
What a nightmare this delivery company turned out to be. What should have been a 10 day trip turned into 25 days due to their not performing surveying and permitting tasks in a timely manner. They did not return phone calls and even lied about what was happening. Just amazing! We are lucky that the driver took care of our boat so well in spite of the obstacles. In the end, he was the one who was really short changed.
All is well that ends well though and I spent the rest of the day cleaning our poor boat. The yard will lift the flybridge onto her late this morning and I should have things up and running in the next couple of days.
Cleaning and waxing the boat will take much of the next week.
She is finally home and life is feeling good.


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Yeay...we're there now..! :D
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