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AWLGRIP versus Gelcoat

We have paint ourself a sail boat, our deck 35' about 45 years ago with Awlgrip
When we sold the boat after 10 years the paint was still good.
We paint, this time not us, the shipyard, our trawler Verdblau with Awlgrip 25 years ago. We have just paint it now again with Awlgrip. (It was not very necessary, but we do it) It looks brand new now.
The Awlgrip it is a polyurethane aliphatic 2 components. with a previous primer. Preparation surfaces are very important.
Shipyards today prefers to use good paints because of better application and more strength and flexibility, also easy to polish and maintain.
Gelcoat it is more difficult to apply. Do not close as easy as the Awlgrip.
Good luck !!

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