One of my photos in Passagemaker Magazine

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Feb 24, 2011
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I am too happy.

One of the photos I sent in to Passagemaker made it into the magazine, and in a prominent place to boot!


Here's a copy of the original full sized image

Very Cool! Congratulations!
That really is a great shot, Kevin! That's cool to see they published it so prominently.
Very cool.

Love tail, nice picture Ksanders!


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Great photo, sure must have been a nice day on the water too! Great way to marry a love of boating and pro photography!
Congrats! Too bad they cropped it....I like the original better. They should have done a two-page spread!
Kevin, that is an outstanding photo. Way to go with being in the right place at the right time and having your camera ready.
Worth one thousand words!
Congratulation on being published! Great photo!
Great shot Kevin - especially so when you see how it survived being blown up for the PMM page.
Way to go Kevin! Where is the photo? PWS?

That photo was taken at the end of Bainbridge passage, which for the folks not familiar with the area, forms the border between Prince William Sound and the Gulf of Alaska.

One of my favorite spots.

THANKS everybody for all the kind words. I was too thrilled to see it published.
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Congratulations Kevin,

A well composed, beautiful shot.
Photoshop!! ;)
Why would you say that? Are you implying that the photo is fake?

I use photo editing software to crop and correct colors and to straighten the photos my wife takes but I don't consider that to be "photoshop".
That photo was taken at the end of Bainbridge passage, which for the folks not familiar with the area, forms the border between Prince William Sound and the Gulf of Alaska.

One of my favorite spots.

THANKS everybody for all the kind words. I was too thrilled to see it published.

Just around the corner from Main Bay! My favorite snagging place.....
Why would you say that? Are you implying that the photo is fake?

I use photo editing software to crop and correct colors and to straighten the photos my wife takes but I don't consider that to be "photoshop".

Not photo shopped. There are great places like this in Alaska, such as this. Blackstone Bay and one of 3 glaciers that flow into it. This is about 45 minute ride from Whittier, AK.:thumb:


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Not photo shopped. There are great places like this in Alaska, such as this. Blackstone Bay and one of 3 glaciers that flow into it. This is about 45 minute ride from Whittier, AK.:thumb:

Yep, when people ask me what Prince William Sound is like I tell them that it's just like Puget Sound was 200 years ago. :)

Just colder
Why would you say that? Are you implying that the photo is fake?

I use photo editing software to crop and correct colors and to straighten the photos my wife takes but I don't consider that to be "photoshop".

Naaaa, WesK. Healhustler is our resident Photoshop expert and gets blamed (or credited as the case may be) with Photoshopping photos for fun and entertainment. All are quite believable, especially the beer party they threw on one of the guys' boats. Anyway, it's Larry's great sense of humor shining through.

Personally, I'm surprised and a bit disappointed that he hasn't tampered with the photo yet for our entertainment.

Here's one of my favorites:


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    coot sundeck with mark aboard.jpg
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