One Pound Propane Bottles

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That picture has exactly the plastic cup that I seek. Not the big base with the words but just above it.

PM me with your address and I'll send you a couple cuffs like that when I'm done with my current 1 lb bottles. I just bought a couple at Wally World for $5.37 for 2 bottles with the plastic cup at the bottom. When they're empty, the bottom caps are yours.
Boatpoker, It's actually not illegal to refill the one pound tanks. I've seen a prototype of a one pound tank that was designed to be refilled by the owner from a larger tank.
It never went into production because, while it would be legal to refill it, once refilled it's illegal to transport it!

Following is a quote from the label on a Worthington tank.
"Federal law forbids transportation if refilled - penalty up to $500,000 fine and 5 years imprisonment"
Thanks Flywright but I have two left with the cups that I can remove. BTW, I went to Walmart yesterday and all theirs have the metal rings.
That picture has exactly the plastic cup that I seek. Not the big base with the words but just above it.
The base in the image I posted came as part of that single burner "stove"... guess you could always buy one of those
I Have been refilling them for 20 plus years. When they look too rusty I ditch them

YEs this ^^ Pop empty in freezer for an hour then hook up to large tank out in the sun and fill, store safe and chuck when rusty.

Prove they are refilled.

Do they have a special propane unit in the .gov to cover this? :facepalm:

God, :nonono: and to think our ancestors crossed the country in wagons taking a year or more with little use for law or government. Sad days now.
"Do they have a special propane unit in the .gov to cover this? :facepalm:"
It wouldn't surprise me a bit.:nonono:
illegal !

I doubt it, at least not under any federal law or most states' law. -- you are probably thinking about refilling for commercial use. For recreational, it's not a problem. If you know something I don't, please share.

PM me with your address and I'll send you a couple cuffs like that when I'm done with my current 1 lb bottles. I just bought a couple at Wally World for $5.37 for 2 bottles with the plastic cup at the bottom. When they're empty, the bottom caps are yours.

Seasalt: Regarding those plastic bottom caps from Flywright.....just be aware that the guy seems to have kind-of a fetish for pink caps (notice the pink ball cap and matching bimini), and I'm not saying that the caps he'll send you are pink, but in this shot of his gorgeous Californian from the stern, you can make out a little pink accent hanging there on the side of his BBQ grill....just sayin.:whistling::hide:


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Seasalt: Regarding those plastic bottom caps from Flywright.....just be aware that the guy seems to have kind-of a fetish for pink caps (notice the pink ball cap and matching bimini), and I'm not saying that the caps he'll send you are pink, but in this shot of his gorgeous Californian from the stern, you can make out a little pink accent hanging there on the side of his BBQ grill....just sayin.:whistling::hide:

Looks like he's supporting that Susan Komen thing. What did I start when I sent him that "Breton Red" hat? :D
Seasalt: Regarding those plastic bottom caps from Flywright.....just be aware that the guy seems to have kind-of a fetish for pink caps (notice the pink ball cap and matching bimini), and I'm not saying that the caps he'll send you are pink, but in this shot of his gorgeous Californian from the stern, you can make out a little pink accent hanging there on the side of his BBQ grill....just sayin.:whistling::hide:

Very nice work, Mr. H. Hustler!! You have a true talent there!!

I'll start a new thread with other "pink pics" here for your edification and entertainment. Just know that in the Gay Bay, I am not alone!!
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