Orca App

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Oct 16, 2021
Interested in comments on the Orca navigation app. Is anyone using it?
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I looked at it today after your post. The website is not very informative about its actual charting and navigation sources and capabilities, especially in comparison to some of the other major apps. I downloaded the app and was greeted with the requirement to provide more personal information than I was inclined to do, just to view undisclosed capabilities. I deleted it without going further.
Sea-IQ, Aquamap, Navionics, Time-Zero all are much more transparent about their capabilities.
I dl'd this morning and have been playing with it a bit. Seems pretty nice, I am looking to use it as an adjunct with my Raymarine Axiom + system.
Yeah, if you think there's any free stuff on the internet...

OK, another way;

If you are getting a product of value and you're not paying for it, you are the product.
Orca is somewhat different in that it also works with it's Core 2 GPS sensor. I'm looking at it as an alternative to adding the Raymarine gps antenna, as it adds a lot more.
I looked at this thread because I thought the App had something to do with the Orca situation off the coasts of Spain/Portugal, etc. Silly me...
Orca's don't have any thumbs, how are they supposed to use the app ?
Well, they USED to have thumbs! :D

Doesn’t everyone already have that information?
Re: Our emails and phone numbers. I've used this a few times recently. Brings those kinds of conversations to a screaming halt...
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