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Our dream situation.

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Oct 17, 2011
*Our story
My name is Mario and my wife is Lyne two new young retired from the Canadian forces and our plan was to travel around the world in our Sailboat Hunter 41DS 2008 that we bought 2 years ago, We were ready to go this year after preparing for the pass 5 years (many ASA courses and hrs of hand on sailing). The beginning of our voyage was schedule for October 2011. But due of my wife knees, back and hips condition that got worst this year we had to change our retired plan, doing sailing is a lot of work and this is not a stable environment (heel) for my wife condition. We decided to change from a sailboat to a power boat like a trawler to live aboard and travel the east coast through the center America then on west coast and back, for the next 4 to 5 years taking our time and visiting places on a slow pace.*
We have a beautiful house on a golf course than we wanted to keep for after our trip but with the change in our retired plan we decide to sales our sailboat, the *house and cars to allowed us the upgrade to a trawler (the cost to operate sailboat vs trawler $$$$).*
*In case somebody some where has some interest in our asset or has good idea. Lot of Canadian owner has there boat for sale all over the USA we never know.*
Until we sale our asset we are open on trade them for trawler plus getting *cash for the différence. We are looking for a trawler 34 a 41 from 2008 to 2010 The time frame is not an important factor, but has to be in a reasonable period in order to enjoy the trip during the time we are still able to do it.*
Not too many people have dream likes us. We work hard for many years to build a retirement plan to enjoy.*
Thanks you any replay. We are open to suggestion
*Mario & Lyne


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"wanted to keep for after our trip but with the change in our retired plan we decide to sales our sailboat, the house and cars to allowed us the upgrade to a trawler (the cost to operate sailboat vs trawler $$$$)."

We decided to change from a sailboat to a power boat like a trawler to live aboard and travel the east coast through the center America then on west coast and back,

2008 to 2010? Why , spend big bucks when minor bucks might get a better boat?

No big deal, downsize the SIZE of the power boat , downsize the Speed , and trawler crawling can be as cheap as sailing.

The trick will be to find a power boat with the scantlings that would allow bashing up the coast of Mexico and La La Land.

The ICW could be handled with most anything , as would a trip to the Caribbean, after the Panamsa canal would be the hassle.

Two concepts , purchase a boat in on the Left Coast , do the inside passage , head south WITH the breeze and current to Panama , then do the Carib circuit , up the US ICW and sell the boat after doing the loop.

This would NOT require she same specs as doing the trip in the reverse order. ( 1/3 the boat and price) So a well under $40K boat would be just fine , and at 5K-6K the fuel burn would be affordable.

Cruising is as expensive as YOU choose to make it.

Most 32 -34 ft power boats will have the same room as a 40 ft sail , just as close living enviroment.

I would recomend you look fitst at one of the Gulf star 36 ? or so motor boats.

Probably $50K ish , but with no burried wood they have a good reputation , so the round trip, what you pay vs what you sell for should be minor.

The very next add in this list has a boat that is in the right location and price.

With no burried plywood,

A grand or two worth of flopper stoppers and you are away for under $30K.

Life is good!

Good hunting

-- Edited by FF on Tuesday 18th of October 2011 04:39:15 AM

-- Edited by FF on Tuesday 18th of October 2011 04:44:24 AM
I like FF's idea about purchase on the Left (West) Coast and basically using the cruising time to bring her home.

Also smart to not pay a lot for the boat,* alot is a relative term, but you may want to consider boats older than your target range.

I would definately keep the house, Canadian Real Estate may still be a good investment--unlike in the US.* Besides with a 4 to 5 year float plan you may end up going home for Summers--Leaving the boat on the hard for Hurricane Season--Who knows.

Some of the Mainships in the early 2000's might fit the bill.

Keep the Dream Alive!!*** JohnP
Thanks with are looking at all possibility and will decide during this winter for the next year, today we are getting our sailboat out for the winter..
This thread reminds me of a song that I have posted on here before. Redfish Island is in Galveston Bay right next to the Houston Ship Channel. In fact, it is an island that was formed by the spoils of dredging the channel. People in the Clear Lake area rarely go past the Island or the channel....they just kinda cruise around in circles locally. We call the the Redfish and the HSC "The Edge of the World" because it seems people are afraid to go beyond it.....anyway....My only advice is don't wait to long......

Redfish Island

I've got dreams about the ocean
To sail the seven seas
Or catch a gulfstream breeze
And hide out in the Keys
Take my time and live my life
Just the way I please
But why am I afraid to sail away

She's a good boat and she's sturdy
And I know she'd pass the test
I've fitted her out perfectly
I know she's the best
And patiently she waits for me
She's ready I can tell
But her body's never felt the ocean swell

It's a long way from Redfish to the Islands
It could take a week or more
And there could be a storm
No I don't wanna die on Redfish Island
So just push me to the Gulf and set me free
'Cause that's the only way I'll live my dream

It was Saturday they told me
About Jimmy down the dock
How a heart attack had stopped him dead
I thought about our talk
He swore that in a year he planned
To lay his lawbooks down
Now his boat's for sale and Jimmy's in the ground

The next week I was busy
Sold my house and sold my car
Sold nearly ev'rything I own
Except this old guitar
Stepped aboard my lady love
And steered her out to sea
'Cause that city life had done enough to me
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