Our generator turned itself on last night—with no help from us!

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I would not consider the genset "shut down" when it's in "Auto." The reason it auto-started is an interesting mystery to solve, but it may indeed to be working as designed.
@twistedtree #21: It seems really important to figure out whether or not there is some sort of intentional autostart wired up for this boat. The answer leads to very different areas of investigation.

That is spot on advice. Generators, in general, do not have the circuitry and the logic circuits to auto start. The signal to start a marine generator comes from an inverter/charger, a BMS, a battery monitor etc. This is an anomaly that has to be figured out.
@TowLou: This (what you suggested second para.) is what we have done. Genset is Off, seacock closed. The sequence torun the genset is simple: seacock on, genset rocker to Auto, and use the helm remote switch to start. We do not have an inverter; that and solar are the next big projects.

Re. your third para.: We do have to manually change the AC input from Ship to Shore, and vice versa, and it's a lockout sliding switch: one has to be switched Off before the other can be made active.

Thanks to everyone who offered suggestions. I will ask our electrician friend to check out the Auto circuit to see what can activate it.
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