Overheating diesel engine-shutdown safety?

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Senior Member
Nov 12, 2019
United States
have a Westerbeke 30B on my Cape Dory 30
Posting in this forum as it is a power issue.
Hauled out several months ago, engine stalled/died on sight of the boatyard, have to call a tow.
yesterday noticed the coolant container empty, the hose to cooler loose,signs/stains of leakage on the block.
On unscrewing the cap totally dry!!!!
Cannot start the engine while on dry

Is there a safety shutdown when overheating? besides the alarm.

Oil level good!
No safety shutdown on propulsion engines. Now if that engine was connected to a generator then yes it would have shutdowns.
The only exception I have heard of is if the engine space is protected by a CO2 or Halon fire system.
See if you can 'bar' it over by hand....that'll tell you if seized
It is possible to start and safely run while on the hard. There are several "dry marinas" in the Anacortes Wa area. They will run engines on the hard. Ask your yard, they may have the equipment. It looks something like a plumber's helper (plunger) on a long pole with a fitting for a water hose.
No safety shutdown on propulsion engines. Now if that engine was connected to a generator then yes it would have shutdowns.
The only exception I have heard of is if the engine space is protected by a CO2 or Halon fire system.
Some propulsion engines will have overspeed shut downs.
If your engine is still empty of coolant, I would replace the thermostat and then check the old thermostat (heat up in a pot of water and verify it’s opening at proper temp). Thermostats are cheap and you can use the old one as a backup if it works.
Also, you mentioned the alarm, but didn’t say if it activated. Can you verify?
will check with the boatyard

tanks (refill bottle and block mounted cooler tank, empty dry.

Cannot confirm audible alarm, at the time of the event the alarm was sounding, but was dealing with dropping the anchor to get a tow and did not want/try to restart the engine.
Was alone and concentrating on not hitting somebody.

did not complicate my post, at the time the air silencer came loose from the block, it was a very loud engine noise right before it lost power and died.
Thought my engine was toast

Really thought it was an oil issue and was afraid seized the cylinders but, once on land, checked the oil and was fine on the full mark.

Going to the yard now, will refill the antifreeze and talk with them, if not possible to run the engine will have to wait until re launch.

a lucky break
boatyard connected a pal with a hose through the intake hose to the raw water pump, after replenishing the coolant the engine started,I guess died one minute before total damage?
Lesson learned?
check the hose from the coolant bottle to the engine, it was originally installed, without a clamp!!!! or perhaps prior owner replaced the hose??
In any case, with time, the hose became brittle and lost the grip on the barbed fitting.
I clamped it
thanks for the ideas
If this is a Detroit diesel, because you mention and air silencer coming loose? A loose air silencer would probably trip the air shutdown emergency stop flapper and shut down the engine. The yard guys probably reset the emergency stop flap and ran the engine.

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