Pacific version? Higher free board?

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Senior Member
Feb 1, 2020
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
Californian 45
Anyone ever heard of a Californian Pacific version with taller free board?
Update: neighbor came in with a 48 cpmy. We have a 45 my. Went and toured their boat. There was about 5 inches LESS headroom on the sundeck. I'm 6 3 without shoes 6 4 with. I couldn't stand without touching in sundeck. On my boat I've got 4 to 5 inches above my head. This owner told me Californian made a Pacific version and it had taller freeboard. He met another owner who's boat "seemed" different from his. The owner explained to two versions. I was doubtful. To hull molds?
He came to my boat and said mine was taller. Sundeck for sure but also engine room. Still skeptical, I measured water to rub rail, freeboard, and there was about a 5 inch difference. I measured aft and midship. They were stern to in their slip so I could measure bow. Might try again today.
To answer my own question, I spoke to Hansen Yacht sales in Jacksonville. They used to sell Californians back in the 80s and are very knowledgeable about the boat lines.
The reason the 1989 48 cpmy and the 1988 45 my are different hights is that the 48cpmy is built on a 42 mold with the cockpit added at the factory.
I was under the assumption the 48 was a 45 with a cockpit added. Come to find out the 45 with a cockpit added is the 52 cpmy. Two different boats.
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