Painting Moonstruck

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That looks great. I'm glad I'm not paying for it though. If I had a paint job like that I would rent the slip next to mine and keep the boat in the middle, away from both finger piers.


Terrific looking paint job, Don. She'll be a standout anywhere, but especially if you take her home to Tennessee some time.
Looks really good Don. If we hook up I promise not to get too close, my 20 yo oxidized gel coat may rub off.

I just replaced my 2 risers because of a design flaw. They are SS but I used what the mechanic thought was best, so don't know the quality of SS. They however were bought from a Cummins distributor, so they better be good.

Terrific looking paint job, Don. She'll be a standout anywhere, but especially if you take her home to Tennessee some time.

Ian, the Sabre will probably never get to Tennessee. I have been cruising on the coast for over 40 years on and off. Few people around home even know of my cruising. They just think of me as Builder Don. One of my friends met through boating on the coast visited. His wife said that she didn't know he did all this. She just thought I was an old boat guy. Well the old part was correct.:facepalm:
She's finished and out of the yard. Whew! finally.


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Ah, day to have a paint job like that! Awesome, Don. Cruise with arrogance!

Absolutely spectacular!

Moonstruck . . . . the Belle of the Ball.

Hey Guys, Thanks. I can't take credit for anything but picking the paint and the painter. He is an artist and perfectionist. Roger Rucker, I can't recommend him highly enough. Not cheap, but one of the best.
Holy crap. That's is Georgous! ... Congrats mate! Ya just need a sign now saying no tie offs. Prosecutors will be shot on site lol

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Don, I loved the color of my boat until seeing Moonstruck's new lipstick and mascara. She's one sharp dressed lady. :thumb::thumb:
Looks fantastic!
Talk about zero-defects work . . . I could shave in that reflection. She looks better than new! Congrats, Don.
Looks like you found the right painter. Very nice.

Nice to see quality work, and great results. . It is boating you know where $$ can be a different measure than going to Safeway where I agonize over 40 cents on a 12 pack of beer.

Question, I was recently looking at a vessel that had been painted with AwlCraft as was on your Mainship - how do you compare it to Alexseal - longevity appearance etc?

Comment, on your new risers - I am cursed with being a metallurgist - 25 6 MO is Incoloy which I have used over the years in a multitude of settings especially flue dust and hot off gas applications. As compared to 304 or 316 SS it offers superior halide and crevice corrosion protection and is very weldable and drillable (for placing retainers). It is comprised of (about) 25% Ni, 20% Cr, 6% Mo, 1% Cu, 0.2% N and the balance Fe, Mn , C and Si.

As always though, the geometry and dimensions of the risers compared to WL and shower head location often trump composition. How did you insure design "correctness" - pattern from old one, new measurements ---?

Nice to see quality work, and great results. . It is boating you know where $$ can be a different measure than going to Safeway where I agonize over 40 cents on a 12 pack of beer.

Question, I was recently looking at a vessel that had been painted with AwlCraft as was on your Mainship - how do you compare it to Alexseal - longevity appearance etc?

Comment, on your new risers - I am cursed with being a metallurgist - 25 6 MO is Incoloy which I have used over the years in a multitude of settings especially flue dust and hot off gas applications. As compared to 304 or 316 SS it offers superior halide and crevice corrosion protection and is very weldable and drillable (for placing retainers). It is comprised of (about) 25% Ni, 20% Cr, 6% Mo, 1% Cu, 0.2% N and the balance Fe, Mn , C and Si.

As always though, the geometry and dimensions of the risers compared to WL and shower head location often trump composition. How did you insure design "correctness" - pattern from old one, new measurements ---?

I liked the Awlcraft 2000. It looked good, and was a forgiving paint. It was a relatively soft finish, that could be sanded and touched up. It did take some care as it was somewhat pourous, and needed a sealer. Altogether, I was satisfied.

Alexseal is a harder finish, but not as hard as Imron. It can be touched up and blended in. I think it is second to none for a richness of finish. Again, it needs to be sealed, but will buff up for another sealer. I had watched Roger carefully for awhile. He is sold on Alexseal, and was pushing me towards using that. I asked Tucker Fallon (Yachtbrokerguy) about if Bradford in FL liked it. He as their 30 year experience paint guy who gave it a big thumbs up. I figured if it is good enough for a yard with a rep like Bradford it was good enough for me. Thank you Tucker. You are a great guy.

We used a fabricator in Fort Lauderdale that does much work on the mega yachts. I don't have the paperwork, and the name escapes me. The guy asked how many more times I wanted to replace them. He then explained to me the difference in metals. for 25% more I got the better alloy with 5 times the warranty.

We sent the old risers down. They took the measurements, and sent the CAD drawings. They fit like a glove when the fitted up.


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Good information Don - thanks.

As an aside, most on TF will not see their wet exhaust EGTs climb into the 800 to 1000 degree F range, thus lesser elbow metals may well last a long time. With my lightly loaded engines, 400 to 500 degrees is likely on the high side. For many like Don though, at a steady and very common say 80% load and EGTs of 800 - 900 degrees, the steam corrosion and gas composition these elbows see is quite extreme thus top notch elbow metallurgy and design geometry is required.
Moonstruck Paint

The paint job does look great. I gather the painter, Roger Rucker (?) travels between yards. I wonder if he has ever seen the middle Chesapeake....
The paint job does look great. I gather the painter, Roger Rucker (?) travels between yards. I wonder if he has ever seen the middle Chesapeake....

Bill, I don't know how much traveling. He lives in Vero Beach. He has pretty much set up shop at Cracker Boys in Ft. Pierce. That's about 14 miles from Vero.

You have some great paint places in the middle bay. Try Luke Frey at Washburn's Boat Yard in Solomons. The last time I talked with Luke they were doing Awlgrip, but they do beautiful work. Awlgrip is certainly good paint. I think Zimmerman is doing some Alexseal. It is not hard to find good work in that area.
Let's face it, Don. With that new mirror-like paint job, the only thing your missing is a nice, rounded buttock line.
Let's face it, Don. With that new mirror-like paint job, the only thing your missing is a nice, rounded buttock line.

Larry, you just haven't seen my , , , , , , , , ,er, a, oh well never mind.:blush::eek:::facepalm::hide:
Don, don't listen to that mean guy Larry. I'm sure you have a really nice buttock line.
Wow, I guess I'm going to have to stay on the hard! I'm not worthy:surrender:
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