Parasitic load from solar charge controller?

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Jul 3, 2016
Sandusky Bay
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Mariner 37
I am adding a 2000 mAh battery to my dinghy to power a new Hawk Eye depth sounder. Since my 15 hp Yamaha is manual start and has no generator, I have a 2 watt solar panel to keep the battery charged. To prevent overcharging, I have a small charge controller. My testing shows the small panel charges the battery and the battery provides more hours of run time than I have gas capacity aboard.

My question is about the load from the charge controller. In addition to three small LEDs, there is circuitry that runs 24/7 where the solar panel only provides enough current to charge the battery for several hours per day. I’m sure that isn’t an issue with larger systems, but the little 2000 milliamp-hour battery only has so much capacity. Short of buying a meter that measures milliamps, is there a standard for current draw by these small charge controllers? I didn’t find anything.
Do you have a standard DMM. Most of these can measure DC current to a very low level.
Just use the leads plugged into the appropriate sockets and set the meter to read DC.

Check your meter out. It may surprise you.
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