pepper balls

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Mr. f. further to my previous comment and after a bit of research, it seems your "friend" is breaking the law. Pepper SPRAY is considered a restricted weapon in Canada unless it is for protection against animals so by extension (on my part), pepper balls are as well since they are meant to be used against humans. He might be compliant with US laws BUT only US laws.

Pepper devices are also illegal in the Bahamas, generally, though like firearms, you may be able to keep them locked on your boat once declared, as he said. Problem is authorities treating other weapons such as large knives, pepper spray differently than firearms i.e. not aligning the rules and being unable to extrapolate in a common sense way.

I am a retired fed among other things and years ago soon after 9/11 I was flying somewhere on assignment. The newly-constituted TSA was processing me through security. Carrying my duty handgun and magazines, and handcuffs? No problem, there was a rulebook on that. Carry my small expandable baton and a folding knife? Red alert! :rofl: Took the facility security manager and a passing Air Marshal to convince the nitwits that if someone is armed with a loaded handgun., there is no use prohibiting intermediate weapons.
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We often have firearms aboard and have been boarded by USCG and local authorities plenty of times. No one ever seemed to care, aside from restricting our access to the guns while they were aboard.

Are you US flagged ? Both the OP and I are foreign flagged, travel under a cruising license and treated quite differently. I'd also suggest that with local town cops, county cops, state cops, USCG and CPB there are very many more of them where we travel on the east coast (ICW) than on the west coast. Your mileage may vary.
Mr. AF. Pretty well my point. It only takes one LEO having a "bad brain day" for YOUR day to go downhill to the point of charges and incarceration. Why bother? That's not even taking into account the possibility of YOU making a mistake and injuring or killing someone and then the REAL problems start.
He told me about his trawler and how he travels around the Bahamas and Florida

he mentioned for safeties sake he carries an air pistol on board that fires pepper balls. He said it's legal as long as he declares it when entering any foreign country.

As far as I can tell, the person you spoke with had been to the United States and the Bahamas. That is hardly ALL foreign countries.

He's applying the theory that "If all elephants are grey, therefore all things grey must be elephants".

I can attest that pepperballs, mace, and pepper spray are absolutely NOT allowed in all foreign countries. Some foreign countries won't even allow flare guns.
Took the facility security manager and a passing Air Marshal to convince the nitwits that if someone is armed with a loaded handgun, there is no use prohibiting intermediate weapons.
The problem with ALL bureaucracies! They are not there to be reasonable, to think things through, or to help people. They are there to fill out forms and follow rules. If they do not have a form, or a rule, that covers the immediate situation then everything just stops dead!
The problem with ALL bureaucracies! They are not there to be reasonable, to think things through, or to help people. They are there to fill out forms and follow rules. If they do not have a form, or a rule, that covers the immediate situation then everything just stops dead!

Off thread topic, but keeping with what you said.
I have a passport and a Nexus card. I only need Nexus to enter the US. On the way to Hawaii pre covid the US agent saw my Nexus and asked for my passport. I said I do not need a passport to enter the US, Nexus is as good or better as the US has vetted me with it, whereas a Passport says nothing but where you are a citizen. He says what if the plane cannot land in hawaii and must divert to China you will need your passport.
I looked him in the eye and said sir, I am Canadian, I will not have a problem in China. Must have been a new guy. Well of course that was before the two Michaels.
The problem with ALL bureaucracies! They are not there to be reasonable, to think things through, or to help people. They are there to fill out forms and follow rules. If they do not have a form, or a rule, that covers the immediate situation then everything just stops dead!

Seems to apply to a lot of businesses/companies I deal with these days too as they have become bureaucratic too.
Does anyone else feel the need to carry such an item for safety?

No, I don't feel the need, although it seems many others do.

I tend to think there are better ways to avoid trouble when traveling in foreign countries. (and they don't involve weapons)

Wherever you go, there will be others who will outgun you. If you challenge them, they will be happy to accept the challenge. If your pepper ball doesn't work, you better have a backup plan.

btw - How do you tell that an approaching boat has bad intentions? You are likely to create a dangerous situation out of a casual visit.

I say this after spending many years in countries such as Libya, Iraq, Papua New Guinea etc. Relax, be respectful, and alert.
Pretty much no way to get around the different Caribbean Island requirements for no weapons even for self defense. Best leave them ashore in the US.

Spent 18 months in the Caribbean at most Caribbean nations. Never felt threatened or endangered to the degree a weapon was needed.
Pepper balls

I fit the description of the guy who originally gave the advice but it was not me. IMO, humbly submitted, is that it is a bad idea. The results would be uncertain and may only serve to infuriate a perpetrator. Also I have been in every country and island nation from Florida to Venezuela and back. You would probably be required to declare it on entry and many times it would be confiscated until departure.
Last year when we went from Maine into Quebec Province, (by land) we were asked if we had any firearms or pepper spray. Both are unlawful in that province, not sure about the entire country.
Flares for Fun

I am wondering if we are allowed to fire some flare for training (or new year celebration) as I have a bunch of expired flares that just wait to be used.


Here (Friday Harbor, WA) our US Power Squadron holds an annual flare shoot, coordinated with local safety and law enforcement agencies, for the purpose of training and disposing of outdated pyrotechnics. You might find one near you.
I make a mean steak bomb and firecracker salmon.
Guns in the Bahamas

I have been cruising the Bahamas for the past 30 years or so. It is much much safer now but for a long time the isolated areas were considered dangerous. All of the delivery captains carried firearms and I did as well. Guns and ammo are legal as long as they are declared upon entry. The advice I was given was to answer the questions about firearms aboard in a loud voice so that the guys hanging around could hear you. I never had to display a gun for defense but I know people who have. A final word of advice. If you feel the need for a defensive weapon forget about an airgun with pepper balls. Buy a cheap pump shotgun. Take the plug out so you can load 5 shells. The recommendation is deer slugs for distance followed by double 00 buck to deter boarding. The odds are that you will never display the gun. But the peace of mind anchored out is priceless.
Wishing you Healthy cruising in 2021
And slingshots

And crossbows VERY careful with pepperballs. They're very delicate and will REALLY mess you up if you accidentally pop one on yourself.

Some people's throats can even close down to the point of not being able to breathe.

Bahamas: can bring in 3 guns and 150 rounds.

They count each bullet and can do pop-up inspections.
I've got this one. I'm sure ot would shoot pepper too.


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One of those long-distance mace sprayers? Like those cans you spray hornets nests with?

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