Pet peeves

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Master and Commander
Sep 25, 2010
Vessel Name
Carquinez Coot
Vessel Make
penultimate Seahorse Marine Coot hull #6
Odd, when I'm in an anchorage it's always a Sea Ray. ...

So, there is a pecking order?

Two of my pet peeves: boats heading directly toward me not indicating/responding they see me, and those making a half-second horn sound when a prolonged (4-plus second) signal is called for. Dislike large wakes too, but isn't that part of boating?
Dislike large wakes too, but isn't that part of boating?

I don't mind them. Bess hates them though. They are just waves. Be ready for them. Unless it's a no wake zone. Sure, it sucks, but I just deal with it rather than complain. Maybe radio ahead to warn others. You can't change the actions of others, only your reaction to it. :hide:

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So, there is a pecking order?

Two of my pet peeves: boats heading directly toward me not indicating/responding they see me, and those making a half-second horn sound when a prolonged (4-plus second) signal is called for. Dislike large wakes too, but isn't that part of boating?

you hit the nail with the boat heading towards you not giving any indication of their intention. That's got to be number one peeve of mine. 2nd would be night time boaters with no lights going at high rates of speed oblivious to the world around them
Pet peeves?

Someone playing their recorded music (or worse, "rap") loud enough to disturb other boaters including me. What gives anyone the right to enter my space with their choice of music or noise? Do you really need the attention? And why do white guys think they can rap anyway? It sounds stupid and looks even more stupid.

Someone passing me in their sport fish or sport cruiser halfway on plane where their wake is as big as possible.
Paddle boards on the narrow ICW south of Sarasota, FL. They have acres of water around the mangroves yet they want to play next to the channel.
What gives anyone the right to enter my space with their choice of music or noise?

(not to get political about this... BUT)
I'm no constitutional attorney, but I think a little thing called the First Amendment gives it to them. :hide:

I wouldn't like it either, but I think, as long as they are not violating noise ordinances, they have the right to make noise and you have the right to move away if you don't like it.

Our previous slip neighbors were live aboards (and kinda rednecks). The woman insisted on playing that stupid "I'm A Bitch" song and "Friends In Low Places" at full-song on Sunday mornings while she cleaned the boat and showered... It irritated the Pure-T snot outta me... So we left. Problem solved.
Paddle boards on the narrow ICW south of Sarasota, FL. They have acres of water around the mangroves yet they want to play next to the channel.

That's when I power up to max wake speed(10kts) and watch 'em fall!!!!
Pet peeves?

Someone playing their recorded music (or worse, "rap") loud enough to disturb other boaters including me. What gives anyone the right to enter my space with their choice of music or noise? Do you really need the attention? And why do white guys think they can rap anyway? It sounds stupid and looks even more stupid.

Someone passing me in their sport fish or sport cruiser halfway on plane where their wake is as big as possible.


When you have someone like her shaking her lady parts to said rap music....hence the rap music

Happy belated St Paddys day...BTW
(not to get political about this... BUT)
I'm no constitutional attorney, but I think a little thing called the First Amendment gives it to them. :hide:.

No, you are obviously not a "constitutional attorney".

They can say what they please and litsen to whatever noise they please, but when they are 100 yards away and I can't carry on a conversation without yelling because of them, they are disturbing the peace.

If pushed, I could bring several hundred watts of amplification and speakers from home and easily outdo them, but that would be childish.
I think the problem w head to head closing stress is the difference in when the two skippers think the "issue" needs attention. When people on our boat see another boat coming right at us they often say things like "aren't you going to turn" or "that gut is going to hit us".

Of course the thing to do in this man's opinion is to wait and see if as time goes by there may be an obvious reason to go left or right. No real need to address this 69 boat lengths off. When far out you may not realize you aren't going to need the same water. But when getting close (again everybody's close is different) turn the way you want to go sharply (so as to be easily seen) and then straighten out to pass comfortably close.

I would probably make you uncomfortably Mark or even piss you off but neither of us would be likely to do anything dangerous. And consider Mark that almost no pleasure boaters know one toot from another. But frequently you can get their attention.

The bottom line is that no collision takes place and nobody has to change their pants.

As to wakes just learn the angle to cross them that is most comfortable. and basically the size of the boat making the wake will determine the length from crest to crest of the wake and that will have a lot to do w what angle to cross. The beam of your boat may be such that close coupled wake waves can be taken broadside w no noticeable roll at all. One wake wave counteracts the other.

The angle to cross a wake is different for every boat. First the one making the wake and then also the one taking the wake. And basically the only safety issue w wakes is to sound out at the helm to all on board if significant rolling is anticipated. People can get hurt from wakes.
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Pet peeves.....hmmm. Number one is probably seeing any other boat in the anchorage. Not so much an occurrence in the winter but pretty much the norm in summer so while it's a peeve we know it's not a realistic one.:)

So the biggest real peeves would be people-- and it's not just kids--- who race around endlessly in their high-powered RIBs for no purpose other than to be racing around. I know it's fun for them and it probably would be for me, too, if we had a high-power dinghy like that. But it would be nice if they did it somewhere else.

Also people who run loud or annoying-sounding generators for hours on end or even all day. This applies mainly to docks where the exhaust fumes and noise can be right in your face. If a boat has an all-electric galley I understand and can tolerate the need for the generator to cook a meal or heat water or whatever. But it's the people who turn on their generator first thing in the morning and leave it running all day, sometimes even when they are not on the boat, who can be so annoying. Most boats in the size range most of us on this forum have don't have air conditioning up here because it's not needed 99.9% of the year. So they aren't running their generators for that.

The worst ones are the folks with the portable Hondas who set them on the foredeck or dock and let them drone on for hours on end. Even the so-called quiet Hondas are not nearly as quiet as their owners seem to think they are.

Generators running on boats on moorings or at anchor are generally not an annoyance at all because of the separation of the boats. But at a dock we witnessed one boater who got so frustrated by another boater's refusal to shut off his loud Honda even after being warned by the park official that he kicked the running generator off the dock into the water. Not sure if I'd ever go that far but the kicker in this case got a round of applause and cheers from the rest of the boaters on the dock.
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There is "rap" and there is "music" but there is no such thing as "rap music". :banghead:

I fully agree. and I would never come into a "quiet anchorage" blaring the stuff. But we do have (party) anchorages where it is accepted. Marin would love it!!! :rofl: :rofl:
I have to agree that one of my pet peeves is excessively load music, regardless of type. In many parts of our cruising territory it is near impossible to be the only boat in the anchorage so I accept that but I think people should still be respectful of others. This may be old values? The other peeve I have is jet skis, wave runners, whatever you want to call them. Not to paint all operators by the same brush but many around here just want to show off so instead of zooming around doing all kinds of stunts out in the open water, they have to do it right in around other boats so someone will see them "Look at me". I have actually seen one lose control and smash into the side of a boat nearby and I have thrown a beer bottle at one as well, unfortunately I missed.
Pet peeves?

Someone playing their recorded music (or worse, "rap") loud enough to disturb other boaters including me. What gives anyone the right to enter my space with their choice of music or noise? Do you really need the attention? And why do white guys think they can rap anyway? It sounds stupid and looks even more stupid.

Someone passing me in their sport fish or sport cruiser halfway on plane where their wake is as big as possible.

yep, the water is for quiet and relaxation not boom boxes!!:thumb:.....oh, and of course beer, beautiful boats and bikini's or not:)
It is 80 degrees and light wind here. I am going boat riding....y'all have a nice day!!!
One major benefit to boating in the San Juan Islands is that years ago San Juan County completely banned the use of PWCs except for emergency use. The ban survived all the court challenges and continues in effect today. So at least boaters in the islands don't have to endure the endless droning of these things as their operators do all the things Allan described in his earlier post.

But there are plenty of RIB operators trying to fill the void, particularly in July and August when there are tons of families and vacationers out on the water.

I don't know what the deal is in BCs Gulf Islands, Desolation Sound, etc. I cannot recall ever being aware of PWCs in those places but I have no idea why that is.
TF members="GET OFF MY LAWN!" :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I don't like it much either, but the water MAY be for quiet relaxation for some of you, it is a fun-time party for someone else. We have to respect that. Just because we have boats and get to a spot first, doesn't mean we own it. Sure, it's the courteous thing for them to find their own spot, but we all know that everyone can, or will, have the same experiences you do that expresses courtesy. Like it or not, we do have to share. :thumb::flowers::D

**Oh... And there is SOME good rap. Most is crap, but there is some that's pretty good.**
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This thread should be renamed "old mans corner."
So the biggest real peeves would be people--

Also people who run loud or annoying-sounding generators for hours on end or even all day.

The worst ones are the folks with the portable Hondas who set them on the foredeck or dock and let them drone on for hours on end.

Maybe this guy would be appropriate as your next pet! :popcorn:


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I forgot one of my other pet peeves: - People who ridicule other people who honestly answer questions on a web forum! :nonono:
I usually don't participate in feel good threads but my pet peeve is guys who state the obvious all the time and the same thing after you just posted a few posts ago....:D
... my pet peeve is guys who state ... the same thing after you just posted a few posts ago....:D

I, on the other hand, appreciate confirmation (as well as correction).
Pet Peeves? Hmmmmmnm, I guess mine would be when my beer's not cold enough, when the ice in my 'rita has melted or my Tanqueray bottle is empty.

Just kidding. Probably my two biggest are wakeboarders who feel it necessary to do it through the anchorage areas and loud music on boats when everyone is enjoying a quiet day on the water.

Spud guns are the answer to #1. I'm still trying to find the answer to #2.

"Honey, I need more ice please!"
My pet Peeve is the thread titles that give no clue as to the subject of the thread.
My pet Peeve is the thread titles that give no clue as to the subject of the thread.

Very true!!! I participate in forums where they will delete your thread if the title of your thread is not directly perfectly clear.
Maybe this guy would be appropriate as your next pet! :popcorn:

Maybe but I don't think he'd be much good at fetch.

I deal with people all over the planet every day at work. I enjoy it but when the work week's over I'm done with it. On weekends and during our time on the boat I don't want to deal with anyone other than a tiny handful of long-time boating friends. I'm not interested in meeting more boaters or talking to boaters or answering inane questions from dock walkers. Fortunately our slip is way out in the marina where few dock walkers ever venture so we see very few of them and the ones who insist on coming up and talking are easy enough to get rid of.

As I've said before we are not social boaters. We did not get into boating to hang around with other boaters. So while we obviously have to share the water with others there's a lot we can do to avoid dealing with them. Most of the places we like to go in the islands and BC are not frequented by crowds of other boaters, which is nice.

Which is why we are not fans of boaters who force their noise and exhaust fumes on everyone else around them.
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