PNW Weather Window

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Al, is my go to weather site. I do use a few others to verify, but windy has been spot on for me in the past and probably the easiest to use of them all.
As a side note, looks like we may delay until Noonish to cross the Bar tomorrow, wind causing messy seas in the AM.
Look for updates, Cheers!

Blessings John,:flowers: Good O'.:thumb: Looks like a light 15-20 off the tip Neah Bay Monday noon-1300.
Safe voyage- Al.
Greetings Capt.:flowers: I see you at Hardy Isl. We are in Prince George B.C. driving towards Prince Rupert and ferry. Will be back in Ketchikan Tuesday. Will keep an eye out for your arrival. City Float (Casey Moran Harbor) is your normal terminal as I recall. Safe voyage:speed boat:- Al-Ketchikan

Thanks, and give a shout if you see us in Ketchikan or wherever. We will likely only stay overnight then depart in the AM. We are meeting some friends in Sitka in a few weeks and want to stay well ahead of schedule so we have time in case we need to wait for weather.
According to AIS Crusty has crossed the bar and turned North!
Thanks, and give a shout if you see us in Ketchikan or wherever. We will likely only stay overnight then depart in the AM. We are meeting some friends in Sitka in a few weeks and want to stay well ahead of schedule so we have time in case we need to wait for weather.

Okay Capt. Understood, At some point we will cross paths. Fair winds and flat seas.:flowers:

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Cell phone and AIS is spotty mid Washington coast. As of now he plans to be in Port Angeles when that storm hits.
Just got a text. He just woke up from a nap...Seas are smooth and just chugging along. AIS isn't transmitting as of about 3 hours ago, so he must be just noth of Grey's Harbor, south of La Push.

Al, I gave him a heads on the weather. He plans to be in Port Angeles by then.
We are 13 miles off the Coast about 20 miles north of Grays Harbor. Cruising at 8.5 Knots, light winds, nice gentle seas. Swells out of the NW 3 ft about 12 seconds. Little boat traffic. Crab Pots have almost disappeared. Should be in Port Angeles tomorrow early afternoon.
Our sunset and no green flash.


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We'll be watching your progress. Maybe Badger will be exploring somewhere between Whale Channel and Hakai Pass this summer and we can get some visiting in as you go past. Enjoy your meander north!
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I look at it as needing half a window as one can always break the trip with a stop at Grays Harbor. Just a lot greater chance of one day than there is of two. Plus Grays Harbor is the easiest bar you'll encounter.

Also, confused at what kind of conditions you're looking for as I saw small wind waves plus long period swells this weekend. I see ugly again tomorrow afternoon, then another break next weekend, but a short one.
That's why I turn up the kitty Cats and make the trip in 12-13 hours.....
Crusty just text me and told me driving at night is a learning experiance.....oh and it was really dark.
Weather in the PNW, always unpredictable, often very exciting.


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All is well.
Other than "Otto" the auto pilot isn't working. So roughing it and hand steering.

Seas are very calm, should be passing La Push in 90 mins.

Cheers, John and Tracey
All is well.
Other than "Otto" the auto pilot isn't working. So roughing it and hand steering.

Seas are very calm, should be passing La Push in 90 mins.

Cheers, John and Tracey

Good Time! and timing! :thumb: You will slide along and miss the weather coming behind you. Boy,though, it is going to change quickly out there where you are presently around noon tomorrow!! Good preparation for the big adventure next.

We are in Puget Sound. Made our turn around Cape Flattery at 5 this morning. Very nice water all the way up cept at Columbia Bar. Another 8 hours to Port Angeles.
Thanks everyone for following along. Great first over nighter, the Admiral is so happy for sunrise.
See Crusty, more than 1 guardian angel! See ya in a couple of weeks...
Coming to Bellingham?

A few years back (maybe a bit more) while stationed at Whidbey Island, we referred to everything south of Canadian waters and out to the open ocean as the Sound. Maybe things have changed. Anyway, thanks for letting us know.
Coming to Bellingham?
We're on a pretty tight schedule. Port Angeles tonight, Oak Harbor for a few nights, Anacortes for one night, then over to Roche Harbor for the Selene Rendezvous. Then we start north through Canada on or about May 1st.
But you never know, we might make it to Bellingham too. If we do, we will touch base with ya.
A few years back (maybe a bit more) while stationed at Whidbey Island, we referred to everything south of Canadian waters and out to the open ocean as the Sound. Maybe things have changed. Anyway, thanks for letting us know.

Sorry Bob, this was meant for Mramoo. Fat fingers again.
We are in Puget Sound. Made our turn around Cape Flattery at 5 this morning. Very nice water all the way up cept at Columbia Bar. Another 8 hours to Port Angeles.
Thanks everyone for following along. Great first over nighter, the Admiral is so happy for sunrise.

Wifey B: I remember our first overnighter and it was scary at first. We don't do entrances or exits overnight, but running offshore, it's really not bad now. I love the sky at night when you're far away from land and it's just the moon and stars. In the PNW temperatures don't generally allow it, but elsewhere I love running at night from the flybridge.

It's nice when it's just you, the sky, and the sea in the world. The sunrise can be awesome too with no trees or land or anything in it's way. :)
Lets hope we have good weather at the end of the month. At least my generator is now working. Just a 1/2 boat dollar this time. Relay on circuit board said goodbye.
To everyone that kept tabs, called us, texted us, followed us and so much more. We both thank you all.
And meeting up with Jeff and Susie (Irene) in Port Angeles, the nicest people who went way overboard and helped us out big time! Thank you both, we owe you a dinner on the return trip!

Hopefully, Tom and Kay on ASD along with Me and Tracey can post a new thread once they get up here at the end of the month. So many of you have asked us to do that. We both try to keep up with blogspots and Facebook also, so what's another social media. Besides, I personally have met so many really cool people through this site.

Here's to meeting many more of you down the road.

Cheers, Crusty
Now It is My Turn

Just about finished packing. We will be leaving Thursday Morning for Cathlament, then Friday to Astoria for Crab and Wine fest weekend. looking at departing Sunday 30th or Monday for Neah Bay.

Projected weather doesn't look good as of right now.
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