POLL - Anchor-outs vs Cruisers - should permanent anchor-outs be restricted in ICW/AICW anchorages?

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Florida - should longterm/permanent anchor-outs in one spot be restricted?

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Mar 21, 2019
United States
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Vessel Make
1970 Willard 36 Trawler
State of Florida is considering updating their statutes to discourage longterm/indefinite anchor-outs and liveaboards on state controlled waters while continuing to encourage transient cruisers and snowbirds. Feedback from the Cruiser community is invaluable. They are trying to close loopholes used by permanent anchor-outs to remain indefinitely in anchorages but are very sensitive to assuring Cruisers are welcomed in Florida's waters.

Comments will be compiled and forwarded to state representatives.
In many areas of Florida there are many derelict boats and floating contraptions. They’re eyesores and hazards to navigation, so unfortunately a few (or more) bad apples…
There are a lot of tentacles to the topic - homelessness, affordable housing, etc. But from a cruising perspective, it's frustrating to show-up at an anchorage to find the better spots clogged with permanent anchor-outs. Many communities want to attract cruisers and in the past installed free dinghy docks. They are now removing them because of abuse by permanent anchor-outs. What's interesting is many communities passed ordinances to limit anchor-outs but. Turns out the anchor-outs have enough money to hire lobbyists and lawyers and have challenged the laws by identifying a loophole in the definition of "Liveaboard." So while there are laws intented to reduce anchor-outs, they are unenforceable. The Florida State Legislature is considering closing the loopholes but want to make sure rights of legitimate cruisers are preserved.
It is not a case of some bureaucrat being bored and justifying a job by ginning up some new rules. As the note before mine stated, lots of issues here. The Florida authorities might see what is being done about this in the Bahamas or some of the Caribbean nations. No need to re-invent the wheel if they have found a way to move people on after a reasonable time.
Agree with CharlieO.

I can't answer the poll as it is not addressing the way to solve the problem in my experience. Often my issue with polls in general.

I prefer all waterways to be transient in nature to accommodate all cruisers..... but with the sheer number of cruisers and limited anchorages in some destination areas, that ship sailed long ago. Same problem in the RV world. I know the whys people anchor long term, but for true cruisers, I wonder why 90 days in one location (not necessarily one state) isn't long enough.

If people adhere to all regulations for the locale, I have no problem with long term anchoring. Unfortunately we all know that many don't adhere to the regs, so I have no problem with law enforcement having the tools to rid our waterways of violators and quickly so. I don't care about the problems in society in terms of law violations, but fully support efforts to place people in positions to live freely, but within the reasonable laws.

Blocking waterfront views doesn't even enter the question as far as I am concerned. Agree with the poster that has "want a waterfront view, buy a boat" (or something similar).
Agree with CharlieO.

I can't answer the poll as it is not addressing the way to solve the problem in my experience. Often my issue with polls in general.

I prefer all waterways to be transient in nature to accommodate all cruisers..... but with the sheer number of cruisers and limited anchorages in some destination areas, that ship sailed long ago. Same problem in the RV world. I know the whys people anchor long term, but for true cruisers, I wonder why 90 days in one location (not necessarily one state) isn't long enough.

If people adhere to all regulations for the locale, I have no problem with long term anchoring. Unfortunately we all know that many don't adhere to the regs, so I have no problem with law enforcement having the tools to rid our waterways of violators and quickly so. I don't care about the problems in society in terms of law violations, but fully support efforts to place people in positions to live freely, but within the reasonable laws.

Blocking waterfront views doesn't even enter the question as far as I am concerned. Agree with the poster that has "want a waterfront view, buy a boat" (or something similar).

A couple posts have hinted concern that 30-45 days is too short. Is the concern that it might ensnare legitimate cruisers? If longer is the right answer, can certainly recommend that. It's the type of feedback that would be helpful.

Scott, you have a ton of relevant experience and I'm sure you understand the concern. What is your recommendation? I agree that I don't give a rats behind about condo views, but having folks usurp public property for personal gain irks me. It's a fairness thing.

Might be a chance to put forward a solution here ....Thoughts?

Stuart recently moved most of the permanently anchored, borderline derelict boats out of Manatee Pocket. There were so many of them that it had become nearly impossible to anchor there for transient cruisers. Manatee pocket is a key anchorage for cruising boats heading north or south up the ICW, through the GICW or heading to the Bahamas. It's one of only two or three anchorages in the area that doesn't get wrecked by wakes. There are also a lot of great waterfront businesses that appeal to transient boaters.

The county added moorings and two nice dinghy docks, it was a nice compromise and much needed, in my opinion.

The law just states that the boat has to move every 60 days, any functioning vessel should be able to conform to that law.
Stuart recently moved most of the permanently anchored, borderline derelict boats out of Manatee Pocket. There were so many of them that it had become nearly impossible to anchor there for transient cruisers. Manatee pocket is a key anchorage for cruising boats heading north or south up the ICW, through the GICW or heading to the Bahamas. It's one of only two or three anchorages in the area that doesn't get wrecked by wakes. There are also a lot of great waterfront businesses that appeal to transient boaters.

The county added moorings and two nice dinghy docks, it was a nice compromise and much needed, in my opinion.

The law just states that the boat has to move every 60 days, any functioning vessel should be able to conform to that law.
The marina where we bought our boat at had a rule that your boat must leave its slip and the marina once a year under its own power. Very interesting to see a 40' sundeck trawler with a pair of 9.9 horse outboards bolted to the swimstep.
Have cruised both the eastern Caribbean and the AICW. In the Caribbean people come and run out of money. Boat isn’t maintained and becomes an unsafe eyesore. As frequent people run out of money or become sick. Boat is abandoned and floats in place until weather or ground tackle failing cause it to move or it sinks in place. As the years go by the shoreline becomes littered by these boats. Many of the islands do not have the resources to remove them. The involved people are mostly from Europe and North America. Virtually impossible to track them down and even if found they have no money so a worthless exercise as regards getting rid of these boats.
The situation in the US is slightly different. Majority of the boats are owned or were owned by US residents. Many are still inhabited. A greater percentage are still floating. A high percentage are candidates for public services due to substance abuse and or mental disease. Would suggest local law enforcement visit these boats. If conditions are sufficiently unsanitary for habitation or present a risk of contamination of local water due to fecal dumping boats be removed. Involved people retain the right to improve the vessel to met basic requirements for safe habitation within a fixed time (let’s say 2-4 weeks) if unable to do so vessel is removed from the water and destroyed. Law enforcement would be involved with initial inspection and pictures to document and serve notice. Revisit in 2 weeks. If no action towing done by local company or local authority at tax payer expense. My understanding is these vessels rarely if ever move to a pump out station. May have issues with vermin and/or-infestation. Perhaps existing legal remedies could serve with appropriate enforcement. Issue of search and seizure exists. Reasonable cause may be generated by two visits weeks apart . I’m not a lawyer nor have I had direct contact with this population in this country. Safety first so avoid them. But I believe it’s a population down on their luck economically with a high incidence of other problems as as well. So should be treated humanely but realistically given the issues involved. I think NIMBY has no place here. For many believe if you get rid of the boats you will just create more street people or people living in cars. You have moved the problem but haven’t fixed it.
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Have cruised both the eastern Caribbean and the AICW. In the Caribbean people come and run out of money. Boat isn’t maintained and becomes an unsafe eyesore. As frequent people run out of money or become sick. Boat is abandoned and floats in place until weather or ground tackle failing cause it to move or it sinks in place. As the years go by the shoreline becomes littered by these boats. Many of the islands do not have the resources to remove them. The involved people are mostly from Europe and North America. Virtually impossible to track them down and even if found they have no money so a worthless exercise as regards getting rid of these boats.
The situation in the US is slightly different. Majority of the boats are owned or were owned by US residents. Many are still inhabited. A greater percentage are still floating. A high percentage are candidates for public services due to substance abuse and or mental disease. Would suggest local law enforcement visit these boats. If conditions are sufficiently unsanitary for habitation or present a risk of contamination of local water due to fecal dumping boats be removed. Involved people retain the right to improve the vessel to met basic requirements for safe habitation within a fixed time (let’s say 2-4 weeks) if unable to do so vessel is removed from the water and destroyed. Law enforcement would be involved with initial inspection and pictures to document and serve notice. Revisit in 2 weeks. If no action towing done by local company or local authority at tax payer expense. My understanding is these vessels rarely if ever move to a pump out station. May have issues with vermin and/or-infestation. Perhaps existing legal remedies could serve with appropriate enforcement. Issue of search and seizure exists. Reasonable cause may be generated by two visits weeks apart . I’m not a lawyer nor have I had direct contact with this population in this country. Safety first so avoid them. But I believe it’s a population down on their luck economically with a high incidence of other problems as as well. So should be treated humanely but realistically given the issues involved. I think NIMBY has no place here. For many believe if you get rid of the boats you will just create more street people or people living in cars. You have moved the problem but haven’t fixed it.
I agree with some of what your saying but the sticky area is impounding and destroying someone’s home and there have been court cases where municipalities impounding someone’s vehicle but it was also their home.
I personally think that if you get all the derelicts violating the sanitation laws and unable to be self propelled laws off the water, it might not be so bad.... it's at least a start.

Just all of it from insurance to limited docking to crowded anchorages and few dingy landings.... greatly helped get me out of cruising.
If you think putting a time limit on the anchorage will stop anything you’re kidding yourself. I have personally watched one decrepit sailboat with a barely functioning old outboard tow his buddies decrepit live aboard wreck 2 miles to cross the county line from Charlotte county to Sarasota County because the sheriffs office was trying to clean up the Englewood Beach area. They just move for whatever time is required then move back. Who is going to keep track how long a boat is in the same place?
I’ve seen Miami ruined in parts due to boat squatters. I like the way annapolis has dealt with the issue.

This is for anchoring in the designated anchor zones.

They also have implemented moorings and residents can rent them annually. We mostly anchor while cruising but I have seen so many anchor fiascos recently that I wish the municipalities would make serious efforts to set up mooring fields.
Interesting conversation. Currently from my slip, I can see three sailboats, one power boat, and one mostly sunk power boat that have been mostly in one spot for about a year or more. I can’t believe that harbor patrol, and coast guard have been here to inspect the sinker but have done nothing about removal. It would be easy to remove the sinker now, but when it’s nestled into the bottom it’ll be a lot harder, and more expensive.
I won’t begrudge someone who anchors out as a way of life, but they should be required to move regularly. It would be pretty easy to track that as harbor patrol is out many times a week and these boats are easy to spot.
In our area, as liveaboards, we’re required to have our msd through hull fittings secured, and have a pumpout service ensure upland waste disposal. This should be a requirement for long term anchor outs as well.
Popular cruising anchorages really should be regulated to limit how long a boat can stay, as a full anchorage can put cruisers in danger from having to choose a less protected anchorage due to long term anchor outs hogging them up.
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