JDCAVE, I think I may have misquoted on the time it was on the hard. It may have been 3 years, but not more than 5.
Whether it's 3, 5 or 8, here are the most common reasons a boat would sit on the hard that long.
1-Number one by a longshot. The boat needs extensive repairs beyond what the owner can afford to make.
2-Boat is in such bad shape and needs so many repairs the owner has gotten disgusted and decided not to put any more money into the bottomless pit. Often this owner is cured of any boating desire forever.
3-Death of owner.
One of my first questions would be to ask why it's been sitting there so long. If the answer is any other than number 3, then run, unless they come up with some other reasonable answer (in the military and sent to Iraq, job transfer to Switzerland, etc.).