RVs use permanently installed generators powered by gas, diesel or propane. All are 3,600 rpm units (except maybe really big ones on big diesel pusher RVs), are air cooled and are noisy. A Honda 2000 in Eco mode makes 2/3 as much noise.
Diesel gensets are only used on diesel driven MHs. Similarly for gasoline generators. LP generators are used on some smaller Mercedes Sprinter diesel based RVs as they are several thousand dollars cheaper and these RVs are price sensitive.
Diesel driven boats use diesel generators and gasoline driven boats use gasoline generators. I have never seen a propane generator on a boat. You can't install an air cooled RV type generator in the engine room of a boat and I doubt that any propane fueled ones are made for engine room installation.
So there is very little crossover from boat and RV generators. The only common element is the Honda type portable generators which are used on both, but sitting outside.
that is not true, my Onan generator runs at 1800 RPM, only th Big Box store type run at 3600 RPM. My 34' Diesel is using Propane as the manufacturer found it cheaper than diesel