Question For Admin

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Jul 6, 2012
Vessel Name
Alaskan Sea-Duction
Vessel Make
1988 M/Y Camargue YachtFisher
I have an android S 10e. When I look at a thread with pictures, the pic shows up as a square with mountains and a Crack on top. What is this and how do I fix it?
I have an android S 10e. When I look at a thread with pictures, the pic shows up as a square with mountains and a Crack on top. What is this and how do I fix it?
I get that sometimes using the TF app (also Android). What I've found is memory is largely used (and unable to download the actual photo) and they appear after I have cleared apps, memory and cache.
I get that sometimes using the TF app (also Android). What I've found is memory is largely used (and unable to download the actual photo) and they appear after I have cleared apps, memory and cache.
Thank you
I find it hard to understand why anyone would want to view TF on a mobile phone. The screens are so tiny, you have to zoom practically everything to get a decent view of it. A good tablet, or better still, laptop, is surely the way to go, and are easily charged out on the water, as they take so little power to charge them. But that's just me I guess. An iPad with a simcard will cope with those times when you don't have decent iNet, but good mobile phone coverage.:socool:
TF has a decent phone/tablet app. I use the phone app quite a bit (thus the spelling errors).

I have had the same problem with pictures not displaying. It miraculously disappeared a few months ago. Oddly, about the same time, broken-pictures started showing on on CruisersForum. That has persisted for months.

I don't think it's a memory problem.

I find it hard to understand why anyone would want to view TF on a mobile phone. The screens are so tiny, you have to zoom practically everything to get a decent view of it. A good tablet, or better still, laptop, is surely the way to go, and are easily charged out on the water, as they take so little power to charge them. But that's just me I guess. An iPad with a simcard will cope with those times when you don't have decent iNet, but good mobile phone coverage.:socool:

Well while I agree and prefer my laptop, I don't always have it with me. Besides I want to stay caught up with all the TF COVID experts....:thumb::D:facepalm:
LOL. I had one of those not too long ago!! I had to get a new phone when the buttons fell out of the old flip phone...

Thank you Don and Pete!!
I took a pic once w my i-phone but otherwise I use my big i-pad.
But I often go to my stand alone apple computer for pics as most of my pics are there.
I could probably learn more about i-cloud and have all my 4000 pics on the pad BUT how could I find the picture I want? Bad enough as it is ... sometimes it’s easy.

No real problems ...
Some profiles have descriptives such as “ Guru” . What do these mean?

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